Chapter 22

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Andrea's POV:

The boys take me into this cave and they all say one secret out loud each. Why are they doing that?

I peak out of the cage to see what's going on but it's too dark to see. Suddenly there's this rumbling. The boys pick me up again and start walking again.

They open the cage and drop me down on a platform in the middle of the cave.

"Welcome to echo caves Andrea" Felix smirks as the boys tie me up and then walk back with the cage. There's another rumble and this bridge thing breaks and falls apart. I'm stuck on the other side.

"The only person who can get to you now is Pan. And he has to say his deepest secret to be able to do that." Felix takes a knife out of his pocket.

"Here you can use this to untie yourself now because obviously you can't get over here unless Pan wants you to" he throws the knife at me. It lands and stabs into my stomach. I yelp in pain.

"Felix! Please help me get it out!" I cry. He just laughs and walks out.

"Courtesy of Austin to Pan" Felix yells out of sight. Felix is working with Austin? Why would he do that? Why would he hurt me...

"Somebody help" I yell. No one answers.

I continue calling out for what seems like forever. I get weaker and weaker. I felt sick and very hot. But the ground is really cold inside the caves. I do my best to sprawl out but it hurts to even move. So I'm stuck inside a curled ball.

"Peter?" I whimper. I stop calling after that. I realize that there is no one coming. Im gonna die here.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming.

Peter's POV:

I'm pacing back and forth wait for Felix to complete the task that he's planned out. Henry walks up.

"Where's Andrea?"


"Um well I..." He scratches his head.

"I wanna get to know her more because I kind of like her" he says quickly. His whole face turns red.

"But please don't tell her!" he begs. Henry likes Andrea?! He likes my Andrea?! I could feel the blood rushing to my face from anger. But I have to calm myself down for this to work.

"I don't know where she is I havnt seen her since this morning when she went off to catch up with Felix"

"Wait why Felix does she like him?"

"No Felix is her brother" I say. Henry sighs in relief. I wanted to scream at him that I like her. But no one can know that I have a weakness. Or she and I are doomed.

"Do you think I have a chance with her? Like you think she'll ever like me back?"

"Probably not. She has trust issues. She doesn't wanna be with anyone right now" I say.

"Peter?" I hear her whimper some where. My head snaps in the direction of the echo caves.

"I'm still going to try" Henry says. I ignore him and run off to the direction of her voice.

I teleport over there and run into the caves Andrea is lying down on the platform in the middle of the cave with a knife in her stomach.

"Andrea!" I yell trying to get over. I almost fall into the caves.

"Felix enchanted it Peter. He said that you have to tell your deepest secret to get to me."

"What happened?!" I scream.

"He told me courtesy of Austin to Pan. I think he's working with Austin!" She cries taking deep breathes.

"Tick Tock Pan" Felix says behind me. I quickly turn around. He's standing in the cave way smirking.

I walk up to him grab him by the neck and throw him against the wall.

"Why would you do this?! We need her! And she's your sister!" I yell at him. He just laughs. I get boiling angry and stick my hand in his chest to take his heart. But it isn't there.

"Austin's controlling you..." I say.

"No. He's just holding on to my heart so that you couldn't get a hold of it and crush it like you were just about to do. That means you have even less time to tell your secret because now Andrea's time of death is about to be sooner because of your little stunt you just pulled" he smirks. What is he... He flicks his hand down and a rock crashes down next to her causing her to to fall off.

I imagine a metal handle for her to grab on to before she falls. She grabs it.

"Peter I can't hold on" she cries one hand on the handle bar the other trying to pull the knife out. But she's too weak.

"Why do we even need her Pan?! She's just a girl!" Felix smirks. Andrea's hand starts sliding off the bar. I let go of Felix and run over to edge. Her hand is about to slip off she's barley holding on.

"We don't need her! I need her! I need you Andrea!" I yell across the caves. The bridge builds and I run over and grab her hand just as she's falling off. I pull her up and lay her head on my lap.

Shes unconscious. I pull the knife out of her and my shirt off and cover the wound so that she doesn't lose anymore blood.

Felix starts clapping on the other side of the cave.

"Oh Austin's gonna love this" he starts walking out of the cave. I use my magic to freeze him in place.

"Your not going anywhere your staying in the caves" I hiss. I snap my fingers and he is moved next to me. I pick Andrea up and we walk back over the bridge. It crumbles and I unfreeze Felix.

"Only I can get to you now. You won't hurt Andrea ever again" I sneer. Then I walk out with Andrea and teleport back to the camp.

When we get back to the camp and in the sun I notice her whole face is pale and she feels very warm. He didn't do that.. he wouldn't... I lift her shirt up to where the knife hit. There's black traveling in her vains. Very close to her heart. He did.

"Dream shade" I hiss under my breathe. Felix laced the damn knife with dream shade.


Ya so I know I've probably already said this but I'm going to update as frequently as possible. Apparently I'm even more bored with my no life during the school days than I was over the summer. That's explainable. I just have all this time after school so I just keep making chapters. I was gonna start updating twice a week instead of everyday to keep a cliffhanger but idk I'm just so excited for you guys to read it I just can't contain myself. Thanks for the votes on the last few chapters btw guys! I really appreciate them! Keep on reading, commenting, and voting please and thank you! Also Im gonna start doing like a question thing in my notes to you guyz. Let's start with today's.

Qotd: Who are you 2 favorite OUAT characters?

Aotd: Peter Pan and Robin Hood

Comment your answers! Kay well bai!


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