Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"NO PLEASE!!! PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!" the store clerk begged as tears began to roll down her eyes as she looked the robber in the eye with fear. Surprisingly, he was very attractive. He had these gorgeous green eyes and his face spotted with freckles. He tried to make his face look as intimidating as possible, but him himself felt nervous and scared out of his mind.

"Intimidate her..scare her..and maybe i'll get away with this." he thought to himself

"SHUT UP D-DAMMIT. GIVE ME THE F-FUCKING MONEY OR I-IM GOING TO S-S-S-SHOOT THIS B-B-B-B-B-B-BITCH UP!!!" he yelled slightly stuttering , holding the gun closer to the woman face. his hand was visibly shaking

The woman quickly notices that the supposed robber was scared out of his mind, but she goes along with it and nods. Without hesitation she does as he commands, taking out a couple of dollars in plot to fool him, making it look like a large amount of money. The robber swipes the money the quickly stuffs it in his pocket then dashed out the store.

As the man made his escape he began to hear voices him his head....

"Jerry...Jerry?! Can you hear us?! What are you doing?! JERRY?! ANSWER US NOW!!!!!"

..... then it was silent...


After a couple of hours, the green eyed rebel returns home, or in other words his main base. it was a basement hidden under one of the abandoned schools in Detroit, which the surrounding area was nearly abandoned as well. 

He makes his way to one of the rooms of the basement, finding his friend leaning on the wall of the empty room. His arms were crossed and face looked down sat the floor. His hoodie and hat covered the top part of his face until he heard his friend approaching and slightly looked up.

"Yo Jerry. Where the hell have you been...?" he asked with a mixture of anger and concern.

The green eyed criminal, whose name was now revealed as Jerry placed his hand on his friends shoulder, giving him an apologetic look.

"...Sorry man...I kinda got caught up in something...."

'Let me guess...caught up in another failed robbery?' his hooded friend said sarcastically

"Rupert, Dude...Y-you do realize that I'm new with this..right!" Jerry exclaimed "I..I'm sorry... I did the swearing and threatening like you said" he added...

The hooded man whose name is now revealed as Rupert glared at Jerry in disgust. "You know what I really don't understand?! The fact that we made a deal to do this and YOU can't even do it..."  

"Look. Technically you could've it but you chose NOT to!" Jerry shot back "I-I didn't even want to go along with this, you were the one who suggested we'd go along with this in the first place..."

"FIRST OF ALL. I have my reasons to WHY id rather have you do the dirty work...SECOND OF ALL, WE ARE DOING THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE TO. We need the money man. Thats the only way we'll be able to make a life in be free..."

Rupert shook his head and looked down, the back up at Jerry. "Look..I'm just as scared as you are but we need to strategize..just trust me...okay?" Rupert says in a humble tone..

Jerry nods and sighed softly.. "its all just so know....I never thought id see myself in. this position...." tears began to flow down his eyes, making slight sobbing noises.. "I don't want to hurt anyone Rupert..I wasn't designed too do that...I don't want to do that..'

Rupert approaches his friend and wraps his arms around him for an embrace. "You don't have to hurt  anyone, Jerry. You just need to develop some back bone...we need the money..and like I told you I have a reason to why i'd rather have you do it. And its not to use you in anyway...I promise.." he said in a comforting tone.

'You'll get used to it...." he added. "I'll help you." 

Jerry nods again, then raises his hand to his cheek to wipe his tears.

He knew that eventually he had to get used to this lifestyle, but it was hard for him to cope with this change. But that was his reality now. 

 Jerry digs into his coat pocket to examine his prize. Revealing it to be only 20 dollars. He sighed at this considerably failed robbery. Rupert takes the money from him and just laughs. "Hey look. You could probably buy a couple bags of chips with this." he said jokingly "20 bucks...I really wouldn't consider it a failed robbery..At least you tried." Rupert added with a smile. 

"Thanks.." Jerry said quietly "When are you going to tell me more more about this strategy you have"

"Very Very soon!...Just trust me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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