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Close as strangers.

Michaels POV

It's been six months Six whole months without seeing her face in ages, they were only replaced with thousands of different faces. I miss her texts, and calls but it's not my fault that I'm extremely busy. It was about 4am right now I couldn't sleep at all my thoughts , were somewhere else.

I called her..

Seconds later she answered, "Michael," she whispered. I'm not that emotional but when I'm away from her I get a sad an depressed .

"Y/N, I love you.. Hey." I said into the phone.

"Michael what time is it over there?" She asked , she didn't say I love you back? She always does.

"Uh like 4am, did you hear me I said I love y-" I said .

"Michael I have too go, I'm busy." She said , something in her voice just wasn't right.

"But y/n I haven't talked too you for days," I said. "Please just give me a few minutes."

"Okay," I heard her sigh. I huffed . "I miss you," I bit my lip.

"I miss you too," she said "you've been gone for half a year..."she added.

"I know," I said rubbing my eyes, it's been so long, "how are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay," she mumbled. "What about you? Living your dream eh?"

"Yeah it's amazing but it would be better with you here," I said.

"How much longer Mikey?.." She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"How much longer? How much longer do I have too wait for you?" I heard her voice crack.

"Just a few more weeks,"

"Then you'll be gone after that for another tour.. I ca- nevermind." She sniffled. I ran my hands through my hair I hear it in her voice... She wants too move on. She's crying..

"Y/N what's wrong babe?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what was Wrong.

"Michael.. Everything's changed. Don't you see it? We hardly talk, and when we do it's only a text for a minute and then you have too go. And when we do talk it's sad and depressing .. I haven't seen you in ages ." She cried.

"You're right y/n.. We are.. Now it feels like were as close as strangers." I said, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Listen too me.. It's clear you want too move on, go ahead , live your life .. Your life shouldn't be just on waiting for me too come back home too you.. I love you way too much too keep you from happiness but know I won't give up on us.." I breathed.

The line stood quiet for a bit.

"Michael, I love you.. I love you so much. I'm not sure if I need too move on, I mean I love you and trust me I won't give up on us either, you mean everything too me! There's been times where I feel like I just need to leave, give up .. Whatever it is but I won't because this relationship means so much too me. I just wish you were here." She whimpered.

"Aww baby I wish I were there too, I know you're going too have too wait a few more months, until we are together again but please no matter what don't give up on us," i said

"I won't, as long as you don't." She said.

"I promise," I whispered.

"Okay then I promise you too," she said and I can tell she's smiling.

"I love you," i said, "i love you more." She said and I'm sure by now she's relaxed.

"Hmm not possible," I chuckled.

"Get some sleep, I'll call you tonight." She sighed happily.




6 months later

Things in the first 3 months were great. Then they got bumpy, I know y/n is trying her best too be happy and stay strong with out me.

As always I can't sleep, we had a argument...

I got out my lyric book, a poem, a song, anything too help keep my mind off of this.

I got out a pen and sat at the edge, of the bed I scribbled some words that didn't come together the way I thought they would.

I can't concentrate, I miss her.. So much. But I am going back home tomorrow so I shouldn't stress about this too much.

Think Michael, think.

"Six months since I been away," I whispered too myself. "Just too know everything...has changed."

That's good.

I wrote it down and kept thinking.

About 10 minutes later I had a few lines filled in.

Six months, since I went away, and too know everything's changed, but tomorrow I'll be coming back too you.

"Hey," Luke came in I hid the book under my pillow as he say next too me on my bed.

"Can you knock?" I groaned shifting.

"No," he chuckled. I just stood quiet looking down. Usually, I would smack him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I mumbled shaking my head.

"Oh please I never seen you so quiet, and not hitting me." He laughed. "Tell me," he said.

"It's y/n.." I sighed.

"You miss her?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes, "it's been like a year.."

"I know man, you'll see her tomorrow though." He smiled , "and then you can get some," he joked.

I laughed and swat his head, "aww see there's the Michael I know and love." He said. "Anyways, get some sleep it's already late an we have too catch the plane early," he said getting up.

"Hey is that my pillow?" He exclaimed grabbing it and the small book fell down , he picked it up.. And started too read it. "Give it back!" I shouted

"Wait wait wait! I like this.." He read it over and over . "Thank you, but it's not finished!" I said snatching the book.

"We can totally make a song out of that..." He grinned, "goodnight,"

I laid down, and finally fell asleep.


We were at the airport back in LA. Usually y/n comes too pick me up but she's mad at me right now so I understand.

There were so many fans outside and inside. I smiled and waved at the ones inside. We can't meet all of them right now due too security.

"Michael we have a special fan, for you too meet," Luke said , I turned around I didn't look at her because she kissed me on the lips. I was shocked. I pulled away.

"Woah, sorry I have a girlfriend." I exclaimed.

"Is her name y/n?" She sad taking off her sun glasses and beanie.

I laughed with tears in my eyes, I was like crying tears of happiness and laughing at what she just did.

"In that case," I said sweeping her off her feet and kissing her passionately.

All the fans screamed and the boys laughed but ran of too there families.

"I missed you so much," she cried hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too baby," I whispered too her kissing her cheek. "And y/n.." I said.

"Yes?" She asked we were still hugging.

"Thank you for not giving up on us," I said.

She pulled away from our hug and kissed me, "we made a promise remember?" She smiled.

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