Chapter 1

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After hours on that horrible plane we finally landed at Melbourne airport. The line to go through the detectors was so long and I assumed Luke would have been worried on the other side. I hadn’t seen Luke in 3 years and this wait was killing me. Old ladies took their time to walk through; tired men forgot to take off their belts. I was ready to rage but I knew this wasn’t the way to enter the nation I’ve missed so much.

We claimed our baggage and there was only one thing left to do. With Jaida’s hand in my left and my suitcase dragged by my right, I walked through Melbourne airport’s famous sliding doors. “RINA!” This jet lag had completely gotten to me and it took me a while to see which direction the voice was coming from. “LUKE!” I let go of Jaida’s hand, dropped my suitcase, ran up to Luke and gave him the biggest hug. We were there for 10 seconds. Bystanders made cutesy noises at us which had gotten us both mad. “Gina! Beau! How are you?” I hugged them both so tight. “Uh, hey Jai.” “Hey Rina, welcome back.” Jai gave me an awkward hug, so delicately.

“So Jaida, your mum and nonna can go with my mum and you can come with us in Beau’s car.” I practically pleaded Luke to sit in the back with me. Things were so awkward with Jai and I would have felt too intimidated if he sat next to me. We made our way to my old house. Everything was already so different compared to England. Mum trusted Gina to keep our keys while we were away and she’d made preparations before we’d gotten home. All of our beds were ready to be slept in and basic groceries had been bought. “We’re here, now get out of my car.” Beau always cracked jokes, but that was Beau for you.

The house was so empty and cold. Dust built up on every flat surface in every room. It wasn’t the home I missed. “It’s not the same Luke. There’s no life.” “Come sleep over at mine tonight and we can fix this tomorrow.” I grab all I needed for the night and got into the car with the boys. Gina was going to have coffee with mum.

Something fishy was in the air. It was like Luke was planning something but not quite in a way that anyone knew. “So I’m going to bed. See you in the morning Ree. It’s good to have you back!” He said as he hugged me from the side. “Good to be back.” Beau had gone to bed too which left me and Jai. I must admit if it weren’t for him hating me, I would be extremely attracted to him. He seemed so nice, except for when it came to me. “I guess you’ll be sleeping in my double bunk with me then.” “Yeh, I guess.” I tried not to be cold back but it was so hard. I’d changed into my jammies and hopped into Jai’s bed. It was comfy and smelt of really good lynx or some sort of body spray. It seemed like the far side was going to be mine and he’d already turned off the light.

“Jai..” My voice sounded so angelic unintentionally. “What did I do to make you hate me so much?” There was a really long silence for what felt like a whole minute. I heard his body move in the sheets. “Have you ever thought I’ve never hated you?” “Why else do you act the way you do around me?” “You’re a gorgeous girl. You have the most beautiful personality. You’re always happy, even when everyone around you is miserable. I feel sick when I’m around you. I think they call it butterflies. You’re interested in Luke. To top it off I know you’ll never feel the same way. Saying what I just did is what I’ve been dreading. I’ve liked you since we were three and all these years I’ve never known how to tell you. So there you go. Sympathetically tell me how you think I’m nice but I’m not your type. Get it over with.” I moved closer to Jai. He was facing upwards and looked so frightened yet already upset. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. I’ll never be into Luke like that.” I reached over and kissed him on the cheek. “I like you too.”

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