Death by Bagel (ItachixReader)

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Death by bagel.
Naruto uses a bagel to hurt the reader.
"Naruto, bagels can kill people!"

A (h/c) haired female hummed a simple tune as she put some cheese on a bagel. Another casual sunny day in Konohagakure. With quick hands, a little sneak thief took the sack of bagels on the opposite counter behind the unsuspecting kunoichi. Or so the sneak thief thought.


The spiky blonde-haired five-year-old let out a happy laugh as he easily ducked under the butter knife that was thrown at him. "You missed me, sis, ~" Naruto teased very pleasedly with himself.

"Oooh? Really?" Y/N, with a creepy closed eye smile, easily picked Naruto up by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey!" Naruto smug look quickly faded as he kicked his feet about trying to get out of her hold. "Lemme go sis!" Getting an idea, Naruto swung the bag of bagels and hit Y/N in the face with a loud slapping sound. The (h/c) haired female froze giving Naruto the opportunity he needed to high tail it.

Finally recovering she yelled, "Naruto Uzumaki! Get your butt back here!" With that, she ran after the child of laughter.

"Nu-uh not happening sis! Catch me if you can!" Looking over his shoulder Naruto cried in laughter as his older sister figure tripped over her own feet, correction, tripped over one of the bagels that mysteriously fell out of the bagel bag. "Bwhahahaha." Naruto continued to sprint away.


Hearing the everyday citizens of Konohagakure either complaining or laughing Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, looked in amusement at the scene that the two youngsters had created. Y/N was still chasing after the fourth Hokage's son, Naruto Uzumaki who was throwing bagels to slow Y/N down. It was easy for anyone to tell that she wasn't actually putting all of her strength into the chase, where would the fun in that be, as she chased after the silly blonde.


After falling for the third time over a bagel Y/N let out an annoyed shout. " Naruto, bagels can kill people!" With her fist high in the air, crocodile tears made their way down her cheeks.


(E/c) eyes snapped open at the familiar-sounding voice. Looking up a light blush spread across her cheeks. "' Tachi?" Noticing that she was still on the ground the young kunoichi pulled herself up. "What are you doing here?"

With a tilt of his head, Itachi cutely said, "Just got done training with Sasuke. What are you doing, well what were you doing on the ground?"

Suddenly remembering her chase after Naruto her face heated up again but this time in annoyance. " I was chasing after Naruto but..." trailing off to look around she continued, "It appears he got away." Picking up the bagel she looked towards a tree not too far away. Seeing bright blonde hair she smirks. "Naruto! Bagels kill people!" With that said she pulls her arm back and with a snap of her wrist the bagel goes flying out of her hand and towards an unsuspecting Naruto who falls out of the tree when the bagel hits him.

"OOOOOWWWWWIEE!" With tears of pain, Naruto rubs his head, due to the fall. "Why'd ya do that sis?"

With a crooked grin, Y/N looks at the confused Uchiha. "Hey 'Tachi want to go get some dangos?"

At the word, "dango" Itachi quickly agrees. "I would like that very much, Y/N."

"Come on Naruto, we're going to go get some dangos~"


With that, the two teens and two children make their way to the dango shop.

"I love dangos! And tea! Tea is really good!"

Itachi nodded in agreement once more enjoying his meal that Y/N had so graciously paid for.

"Me too." Taking another bite out of his dango Itachi completely ignored the chaos that his brother and the little Uzumaki were making in the background. That was until a bagel hit his stick of dangos. With wide eyes, Itachi watched as his dangos hit the ground and rolled away. Sharply glaring at Sasuke and Naruto they both stopped and backed away pointing at each other wordlessly.

"It appears bagels can also kill dangos." With a slight laugh of how serious Itachi had become Y/N offers her dangos to him. "Here have mine, I'm full anyway."

"Thank you..." A slight blush ghosts his cheeks as he looks away in embarrassment.

"Where the heck did you even get that bagel from, Naruto?"

"Where the heck did you even get that bagel from, Naruto?"

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