Chapter One

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"Danny Danny! Wake up!" my little sister shakes me awake.

"What Melony?" I groan, rubbing my eyes.

"The pineapples!" she screams, shaking me. "They're everywhere!"

What is she on ? 

"Look!" she shoves a pineapple in my face.

"That's one pineapple Mel! Go back to sleep, it's like the middle of the night!" I say.

"No!" She says accusingly in her bossy 'know it all' voice. "They are all around your bedroom and mine and our house, city and the world! They are even on top of Buckingham Palace! It's on the news! And it's 8:30, not the middle of the night!" 

I frown. Even this is a bit creative for Mel.

Sitting up I look around the room, waiting for my eyes to adjust. Sure enough there were pinapples all around it. Sitting on top of my dresser, bookcase, several on the floor and one at the end of my bed and on the windowsill.

"Mel, if this is some kind of prank, It's just a waste of pineapples. So clear them up and take them back to the shop!"

"No no!" she says dragging me out of bed. "Come look at the news!" I follow her out of my bedroom and down the stairs. The TV is blaring and mum and dad look up as we enter.

People are warned to stay indoors and keep away from the pineapples which have appeared over night. Nobody knows where they have come from or why but further investigations are being carried out. You are advised not to cut the pinneapples open and eat them until further notice.  They are everywhere. In Buckingham Palace, Parliament Builings, jails and a satellite has even picked up pineapples floating in space.

My mouth drops open.

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