Chapter Two

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They are everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

We are all sitting in the dining room.

"Can we please cut one open?" Melony begs.

"Yeah!" I agree. "I mean, It's just a pineapple!"

"The governmet will be telling people to leave them alone for a reason! They could be dangerous!" Dad says, frowning at one sitting on top of the oven.

"But, It's just a pineapple, isn't it! It's hardly going to explode!" I laugh.

"Danny!" Dad warns.

Mum is sitting at the table smelling one and roling it around in her hands.

"I think we should collect them all up and put them out the back garden in case they are bombs," she says.

"Yeah! Good idea honey! The person who collects the most pineapples gets five dollars!" Dad cries throwing his hands in the air. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Don't be such a spoil sport Danny! I know your an anti-social, hormonal teenage boy and everything, but just have some fun for once!" Dad says.

Melony has already sprinted out of the room and is running around the house madly collecting pineapples.

Then suddenly a pineapple behind us starts speaking. We turn.

"All human residents will be destroyed. I repeat, all human residents..."

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