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Y/n : yahhh I DON'T WANT TO HAVE DINNER WITH YOU !!! *shouting*

Jimin : do , I care , you have too

Y/n : I don't want !!! Run to my room n lock the door .

Y/ n was cried

Jimin : y/n open the door *shouting*

Y/n : I don't want .....I hate you jimin... , i hate you so much...

Jimin : y/n open the door please !! I'm sorry !!

Y/n : I never forgive you jimin , u destroy my life with your fucking....ahh nevermind but I'm not gonna forgive you

Jimin : y/n please open the door !! Okay , nevermind

He leave me

Jimin pov

Why she mad , I just want to dinner with her , ughhhh stress

End jimin pov

Y/n pov

I was mad at him . What wrong with him. I cried until I fell asleep

End y/n poverty

Tomorrow morning

Y/n pov

I got up from the bed and prepared myself

I was go down and I saw jimin cook , I just ignored him until..

Jimin : y/n eat your breakfast *smile*

Y/n : I don't have mood to eat , I'm sorry I have to go .

Jimin hold your hand

Jimin : can I send you to school ?

Y/n : no , it okay . Release your hand

Jimin : can we talk ?

Y/n : what do u want huh ?

Jimin : did u still mad at me ?

Y/n : yeah , yessss !!

Jimin : I'm sorry cuz I make u mad , I sorry , I want to be your good husband but - u cut

Y/n : but what !! Ugh I can forgive you but I'm aifaid you will punishment me after I forgive you , im aifaid , you know I love you park jimin but - he cut

Jimin : yahh , I love you too , I love you so much y/n

Y/n : I... (he kiss me)

Omo why he kiss me ughhh his lips ughh I can't , I accident kiss him back , awwww I need to stop this

Y/n : ok bye , I need to go *blushing*

Jimin pov

I was shook , she kiss me back it make me want more but y/n stop it ughhh unlucky

End jimin pov

Time skip at school

Zara : yahhh , why are you late today ?

Y/n I'm sorry , I over sleep *lying*

Zara : wahh you look happy today , what going on ?

Y/n : nothing ,u don't have to know ,hahhaha

Zara : okay ?

Y/n : let go in

At class

Jazmin : why are you late today ?

Y/n : I'm over sleep

Jazmin : ouhh , hmm over sleep or something hmmm

Y/n : watch out your mouth

Nachous : wuuu it something happen ?

Wana : ahh I know , you and your husband was kissing each other, hahahha

Y/n : yahhh stop it , *blushing*

Ain : awww why u blushing *smirk * hahahha it cute

Y/n : yahhh I told you guys STOP IT !!!

syelly : yahh be quiet please ughh
Nachous : mianhae

Time skip school time end

Y/n : zara , can I visit jk ?

Zara : sure , he miss you so much

Y/n : ouhh really ? I miss him too , so let go

Zara : yahh you have to your husband first .

Y/n : why

Zara : just call him

Y/n : okay

In the call

Y/n : oppa , can I visit jk?

Jimin : sure babygirl , anyway I like you call me oppa , hahahha

Y/n : ughhh what ever

Jimin : bye , be safety babygirl *smile*

Y/n : bye oppa luv u *smile*

End call

Y/n : let go !!

Zara : let go !!

Okay done , end of CHAPTER 5
I will continue it
Thanks for reading my book
Sorry for grammar mistake ....

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