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Felix : yah ,y/n wake up !!
You gonna late to school !!!

Y/n: yah , I know , please make my breakfast please .

Felix : ok n take shower now !!

Y/n : ok ok , 
I take shower n this is my clothes

Y/n : ok ok ,    I take shower n this is my clothes

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And my make up

And my make up

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And also my hair

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And also my hair

Y/n : ok ready to school

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Y/n : ok ready to school


  At kitchen
Felix : hei I make your breakfast.

Y/N : I'm sorry I have to go , bye

Felix : yah!!!! Eshh this girl !!!

You ignored felix

Time skip

Y/n pov
Y/n : yeahh , I miss my friend

Syelly : yah y/n !!! Let go to class , what are you waiting for ?
Y/n : ahh nothing ,hmm let go class  

  End y/n pov

  Time skip

  Wana : ahhh I'm so bored

  Y/n : me too , this class was so boring ,
Teacher : wana , y/n focus !!!

Y/n, wana : sorry

  Ain ,syelly n jazmin laugh at me n wana

   Jazmin : hahhaha poor hahaha

  Syelly, ain  : hahahha
Wana : I'm gonna kill u guys
               (Glare at them)

   Time skip lunch time

Jazmin : awww I'm so hungry

Ain :  me too, awww I want all !!!
Wana : I don't have mood to eat
Y/n : ok what ever

Syelly : hahaha
  We  eat together while talk about our outing this weekend

Time skip at home

  Y/n : yah , I'm back !!!

Felix : hmmm can u shut your mouth , it ANNOYING you know

Y/n : do I care ? *smirk*

He ignored you

Y/n: hei why u ignored me ?!!

Felix : just go your room , I have a call

Y/n : ugh what ever 

Time skip dinner time

Felix : hei I have something to tell you .

Y/n : what ?

Felix : if I said this please don't be mad k

Y/n:just tell me

Felix : hmm you will getting marry

Y/n : what !!!!!!! Ughhh I don't want to marry !!!! Ahhhhh

Felix : hmm I'm sorry ,y/n you have to 

Y/n: with ?

Felix : it secret n tomorrow we have dinner at your future husband house ,

Y/n:what !!! I don't want !!!
Felix : you have !! I'm sorry , you have to marry !

Hmmm I'm sorry if I make a mistake
I hope you guys love my fanfiction
I'm sorry it too short

MY PSYCHO HUSBAND [ JIMIN FF ]Where stories live. Discover now