Kiss the girl

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A girl with h/l, h/c hair named y/n  walks out on her balcony with her (dog, cat, bird etc.). She looks out over the Paris night sky and wonders why she can't be happy like all the other families are tonight. She stares at the Eiffel tower and sighs. "well (pets name), I guess it's just us this year. Little did she know that a certain blond haired sunshine child felt the same way about him and his kwami.

Adrien POV

This sucks. Why do I have to be all alone? Aside from Plagg of course. But he's not the best company.  (I am SO sorry Plagg) I don't want to be here by myself. So I won't be. I jump up and say, "Plagg, why don't we go out? See if we can find something better to do than sit her alone doing nothing." "Buutt my camembert!? I can't just leave it!" Plagg whines. "Plagg, come on let's go, Plagg! Claws out!"

I say and when I'm fully transformed I jump out the window and into the night. As I'm looking around I see a girl on her balcony with a (pet).

I swing over and crouch on the roof of the building behind her and watch for a moment.

"Well,(pets name) I guess it's just us this year." She says with a sigh. I can't help but wonder why she's all alone with her (pet). I decide to go talk to her.

I drop down behind her and say "well hello there, why are you all alone?" She jumps with a scream and turns around, her (pet) looks ready to attack me. "Whoa whoa whoa, easy there , I'm not gonna hurt nobody, I just saw you were alone so I thought I'd come by and see you." I say with my arms raised.

"Why would you, a super hero, want to see me?" She asks. "Well, because I'm all alone too, so I thought maybe we could just chat or something." I explain to her.

"So what's your name?" I ask her.Y-y/N She says . "What a purrty name, y/n, I'm Cat Noir." I say kissing her hand. She giggles and says "I know who you are silly, you're kinda on the news like, all the time hehehe," "Well I just wanted to make sure you knew," I say with a wink.

"So ,y/n Why are you all alone?" I ask her. "Oh well, um, I live alone, well other than with (pets name) she says scratching the (pet's) head. I ask why and she tells me how her parents died in a car crash earlier this year. "Oh my gosh ,y/n I'm so sorry I mentioned it," I say. "Its ok I've gotten used to being alone, but it's harder around the holidays, y'know?" She says. "Boy do I, my mom has been gone for 2 years and my father has been very distant ever since." I say looking away. She looks at me and says "oh, I'm so sorry Cat." She gives me a small side hug, and I can't help but notice her strong arms.

"Hey, so do you want to come in?" She asks and I say yes, so we walk inside and go down to the kitchen. She opens the cabinet and gets out hot cocoa mix. Once it's made she hands me a cup. I take a sip and it's really good. She giggles at my happy face and I laugh.

I look at her and notice how pretty she is. In this light I can see her pretty, h/l,  h/c hair,and her gorgeous e/c eyes alot better. Her s/c skin looks so smooth.

She notices me looking at her and asks what I'm looking at. I just laugh and say "your beauty." She shakes her head and laughs at me and just sips her cocoa.

We spend the next few hours talking and learning about each other. When I look at the clock on the stove I see it's after 1 am and I'm getting sleepy. "Alas, I must go, but I shall return soon Madame," a say with a bow and a wink.

She laughs at my antics and walks me to the door and as I stare into her pretty e/c eyes I can't help but feel drawn to her. I also can't help but think about that song from The Little Mermaid, kiss the girl.

I start to lean towards her and I just can't stop myself. She leans forward and before I can do anything we're kissing. I pull away and tell her I'll return soon and leap away into the night with a bright red blush on my face. I can't wait to go back tomorrow night!
A. N. Well that was terrible right? Hope it was okish and y'all got some enjoyment out of it 🤷thanks for reading, if anyone even is reading this.

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