Chapter - 9

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1000+ reads!? Wow...thank you all so much for even bothering to look at this xx

Its getting into the middle of the story now so shortly it will enter the complication and whatever so YAY!!

I really hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it :))

TANKS, love you all <3

Zoe xxx


Louis' POV 

After all the boys had gone home i decided that i had to call Eleanor and stop being a coward. She deserves to know everything that's happened, she still means something to me. I'm definitely not ready to loose her as a friend. I know she will most likely be quite peeved but if i just explain to her.....well i don't really know what to say about all of this. 

I walked over to my bedside table and picked up my phone carelessly and flopped down on to my Harry's bed, i'm not sure why i'm in here but i guess i just like being comforted by his scent when he isn't around, since he went out to the shop to get Ice-cream after i begged until he gave into my adorableness. I checked my phone to see a text from Eleanor:

From Eleanor:

Is this really how it ends Louis? 

Her short words gave a pang in my chest, i must have really hurt her. Of course i did, i fell in love with my best friend in front of her own eyes. I sighed and dialled her number, it rang three times until the phone was picked up immediately.

"Hello?" Her soft voice was shaky and croaked.

"Eleanor.." I responded quite nervous from the sound of her broken voice.

"Well done Louis, It's me...what a surprise" the sarcasm rolled off her tongue, i could definitely hint out the hidden anger inside of her.

"Look, i'm seriously sorry for-" i started off but was quickly interupted.

"It's okay Louis" she said emotionless

"What?" i was well and truly confused, she is seriously just letting this go?

"I mean i'm hurt that we ended like that, but anybody could tell Harry had feelings for you." she froze, taking in a shaky breath "and it was completely obvious when your feelings grew for him"

I was silent and quite gobsmacked to be honest, when she put it like that it shows how much i must of really hurt her.

"I'm such an asshole...El believe me when i say i am truly sorry" i was seriously lost for words and it was the best thing that could escape my lips.

"It's ok, i know we can still be friends after this right?"

"Of course! I love you and you are still my close friend, i won't loose you over this" i stated.

"I love you too Louis, it will be an adventure being friends with you" she chuckled lightly at herself.

"Thank you for understanding this i mean what have i dragged everybody into?" i sighed rubbing my hand over my face.

"Louis we are still young....shit happens" she is so relaxed and carefree. She was letting this slip so easily it just felt wrong, like i'm guilty and she is just being friendly.

"I guess you're right, but i feel so bad...why is this so- so easy for you i mean didn't i break you're heart?" i questioned desperately. 

"Wow, getting full of yourself there Mr Tomlinson" she joked.

"Yeah i guess that came out wrong eh?" I laughed at my stupidness "I mean, why are you letting this go so easily after the other day?"

There was silence.

"I guess......i guess i was expecting this, like i knew it would happen but you didn't because you were blind of the love growing between you too" she breathed getting it off her shoulders.

"Wow....that's deep love" i stated with slight shock in my voice, she really was playing this cool but she was right. I was blind to the love between us...i guess i didn't want to face

Before she replied Harry stepped into the bedroom and cocked his head to the side. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity. I pointed to the phone and mouthed 'Eleanor'. 

"Ohhhhhh" he whispered and crawled on to the bed and sat upright next to my sprawled body.

"Uh El i better go now, but we should catch up for lunch one day" it was more of a question than a statement, i didn't really know how our friendship worked at the moment.

She let out a loud laugh "Dude, i know Harry is there! and sure that would be great" her normal cheery voice was beaming awake and it couldn't make me any happier to hear the Eleanor i fell for. I looked over at Harry and he grinned mischievously, he probably heard Eleanor.

"Oh....Well text me tomorrow when you're free babe" I replied while sticking my tounge out at Harry's cheeky but gorgeous and amazingly beautiful grin. Geez i act like a 13 year old in love sometimes. I sighed at my sadness.

"Um one thing Louis" she quickly asked before she hung up.


"Erm- well when did you become gay?" she asked nervously, not knowing if she should get into that conversation. I never really looked at it that way, to be honest i don't think i am gay.

"I'm not gay" i stated simply but with confidence. I turned to see Harry's slightly worried and cautious face, the grin was swept off his face and was replaced with a deep frown.

"Ummmm what?!" Eleanor asked with complete confusion and shock.

"I mean i like girls, i guess i'm just....ummm" I searched for the right word "Haz-sexual" i grinned with my success, it was correct though, the only guy i have and will only have eyes for is the one and only, Harry Styles. I heard Harry sigh with relief and he gave me a big thumbs um, that cheeky grin instantly returned to his face.

Eleanor let out another laugh "Well fair enough, i was worried that you were gay while we were dating, i mean that would have been bad" she pondered on her words for a second "But yer, i will text you. Cya Louis!"

"Bye and thank you again"

I pressed the red button and ended the call. 

"Haz-sexual eh?" Harry wiggled his eye brows suggestively at me and winked "then i guess i'm, Lou-sexual"

I grinned happily at his response. He lent over and kissed me softly "Ice-cream?"

"For sure!" I yelled as i sprinted down the stairs and into the kitchen.

It felt good to finally sort it all out with Eleanor. Now everything in my life just seemed perfect.


How long will it be perfect for though??!!! DUN DUN jks, you have to wait.

Sorry for the short chappie, you have permission to throw cheese at me *bows head in shame*. But it was just to show the phone-call, so yes filler alert :L sorry Homie-G's. Prepare for next chapters though :))


Tanks, Love you all :3

Zoe xxx

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