Behind her memories

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Since a young age, she was independent. She worked her ass off, to have her own money, she hated to ask her parents something. So she works, always worked, she brought her first car when she was only 18 years old, and her house when she was 20 years old. And then she met David. Her dream guy, this nice guy who did everything to her. David was this handsome guy with a promising career as a telecon engineer, but he travels a lot, she loved it at first, travel to all these new places, taste all this new food, everything was new to her, and David so good to her. So after a year of dating she left her job, she left everything behind, to enjoy it by his side, and after 3 years they got married, in this perfect little church, with families and friends, she choose every little thing, from which flower they were going to put on the table till everything little song it was going to play on her party. Everything went perfectly and her life was perfect until it wasn't anymore.

Sometime later, he got promoted, all their dreams were coming true, but they would have to change cities, so they move from their home city to another state, after that, every year or so they would move again, new house, new contract, put everything inside a truck a there they go again. She started to feel lonely, it was hard for her to find work or make friends when you are not that Young it becomes almost impossible to make new friends, even harder if you are not working or studying when she started to make friends his projects ended and it was time to move again. So she was living his life, he has his friends because his coworkers were sometimes the same, living the same life we lived, they were single guys, so she still had no girlfriends that she could talk to.

The sex was good, but not always, she knew it. He knew it. But they love each other. So they accepted it. And it was fine until it wasn't.

She was married for 8 years and she couldn't complain.

David wanted everything, so did she. But even though, it wasn't enough. He was such a nice guy, that he deserved only the best. But she wasn't the best. She couldn't be the best for him. She thought if she couldn't be happy she couldn't make him happy.
They were best friends, life makes them be. They have fun with each other, but he had his alone time like when he would play soccer with his colleagues, but she didn't, her only alone time, was really alone, maybe a walk in the park ou in the mall. Other than that it was a good marriage until it wasn't anymore.

And just like that, like a snap of a finger, everything went downhill.

It wasn't that they didn't love each other. It was that they deserved something that each other couldn't give. No one knows exactly what happens, maybe life, she accepted it, David, not so much, she meant the world to him, he was happy with her, he wanted her every single day like it was the first time. He thought he was the luckiest man alive, to have her until he noticed that she wasn't happy.

Then someday, they decided it was time to move on, they decided it was time to take a break. So she moved back to her hometown. moved back to her house, David bought her a car, it was only fair to give her car back since when they start to go out she had a car. And she got a job, and she finally was happy again.

And that's why, on her birthday, she decided to be alone, but this time it was by choice, it was her way to go back to what she was before David. Independent, she didn't need anybody to party.

It was the next morning, a sunny cold Sunday, it could be classified as one of those perfect day, bright blue sky, chili wind, those days to enjoy outside, she was going to take a walk on the beach, grab some coffee on her favorite coffee shop e be with herself. She was one those person who don't plan what to do or how to do it, she just does, but today she planed her whole day out, well, except for that moment, she walks around her house, with her phone on her hands, trying to decide if she should or shouldn't call David.
She decides against better judgment and starts to dial.

He picks it up on the third ring.

"Hey. How you doing?" her voice was cheerful, she was happy and David could feel it.
"Hey, Jess! you sound happy."

"Yeah, I got a job"

"Really? Congrats." Just listening to him, calm her down. So she sat up on her couch, enjoying listen to his voice. "See, I told you wouldn't have to worry, your resume it's awesome." Deep down, David was unhappy, he, just for a moment, wished she wouldn't get it, so she could go back to him, but he knew it was wrong, she deserved the world.

"It took two damn months David. It wasn't fast" She applied to a lot of Jobs, did a few interviews, and finally, after one month and a half, she was called for this interview and got the Job it took them almost two mounts to call her, was so frustrated.
They talk like the old times, well, he was her best friend up till the day they went different ways, but they still care for each other. They talked, and talked, they both need it.
After some time, came the needed brake. "I think I should go." Jess felt the sadness in his voice. "hey, good luck on your first day tomorrow, and happy birthday again. I hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday." And just like that David's call disconnected and he leaves her remembering last night, she tried to not think about it, but it was close to impossible.

After Gabriel left to take a shower, she gathers all her clothes, got dressed and left, leaving just a note.

'I will always remember tonight.' who does that? She asks herself, well apparently she does.

Last night was everything to her, everything more than she could ever put in words, she never felt anything like it, all those feelings, Gabriel lips, his hands, everything he did to her, it was amazing. But that was that just celebration sex, she wasn't in the place to compromise right now. So she left him, without him knowing, didn't ask questions, and didn't answer any at all.

Shaking her head to clear all those images about Gabriel's body, she decided to let everything ready for tomorrow, before she left for the beach.


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