-Chapter 11

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"Who is it ?" Jungkook asked looking directly at the bush.

'No answer'

Jungkook looked at me and then slowly attempted to walk towards it, I quickly grabbed his hand.

"Don't." I said.

"Stay here nothings gonna happen." He said and walked towards the bush.

Slowly he took each step then peeked in. Suddenly a cat fell from the bush and landed on my leg.

I yelled as I was startled. Jungkook quickly grabbed my mouth so that I could not speak anymore.

"Shh stop everyone is sleeping." He said as I calmed down a bit.

I was too scared to say anything but I opened my mouth finally.

"I think we can make breakfast now ." I said as we both went to the tent.

We saw people waking up slowly. We took pans and all the utensils and started making breakfast in the open field.


After everyone ate we decided to play hide and seek .

Jason got selected as the seeker and we were all the hiders.

He started counting."1 ....2....3....4..."

I ran up the fields and saw the same bush that had some sounds coming from it early this morning. I ran and hid behind it .

From a far I could hear the countings , it was a faint sound" 96...97....98.....99....100 ..ready or not here I come." Jason yelled as I was hiding behind the bush.

I saw Jason walking by me and not even bothering to look at the bush . I was relieved that he did not look at my direction.

One by one he started seeking everyone but I was still not found.

"Y/N I see you." Jason said as I also came out of the bush.

"Did you find everyone?" I asked.

"No only Jungkook's left." He said as all the students started looking for Jungkook.

I went towards the tents and searched for him, but there was no sign of him.....suddenly I saw his back behind one of the tents.

I looked at him ."Foun-" Before I could say something he closed my mouth with his hand and sat behind the tent again.

"Shhhh." He said as I stopped moving.

"I saved you that day , now you owe me a favor." He whispered in my ear.

Soon we could hear Jason."Fine Jeon Jungkook you win." He yelled as Jungkook let go of my mouth and stood up leaving me on the ground.

"So what do I get?" Jungkook asked Jason.

"Nothing...." Jason answered.

And they both burst out laughing as much as I wanted to tell everyone but I kept quiet.

"Guys....let's play freeze tag ." Linda yelled in joy as we all agreed . It sounded really fun so I also agreed.

We all ran in directions as Hoseok was chasing after us, and I saw him as he ran like fire and caught Namjoon. I also saw that how Jimin ran in for a rescue and tagged Namjoon.

I also ran for dear life but ended up caught by Hoseoks speed.

He laughed his ass off and ran chasing the others. I saw Jungkook running towards me and I also saw Hoseok running towards him . It happened in a moment as he caught my hand as we ran like crazy still holding hands. This all happened so fast there was no time for leaving the hands.

"This kid is too fast." Hoseok said, disappointed by himself.

He let's go of my hand and we ran in different directions again.

I saw from the corner of my eye as I saw Hoseok ran after Jungkook and caught him finally.

"Yeeessss." Hoseok jumped in excitement.

"Someone save me ." Jungkook made a fake crying face.

No one was going close to him so I decided to run towards him and save him as Hoseok was somewhere else.

I ran and Hoseok noticed my movement and also ran towards me. In a split second it felt like it was happening in slowmotion.

I ran towards Jungkook , Hoseok ran towards me and boom I fell on top of Jungkook .

He looked at me as he was under and smirked.

I was looking at him in wide eyes and all I could hear was people cheering for us. I quickly got up and apologized.

"Sorry." I said

"No need I like it babes." He said.

"I thought you changed a bit!" I yelled on his face.

"Once a player always a player." He said smirking again.

"I hate you." I said.

"I hate myself too." He said smirking again.

"Stop it." I said.

"Stop what?" He said being very chill , not even budging by my remarks.

"Jungkook it is really annoying." I said.

"What is annoying?" He asked again.

I finally gave up and walked away from him.


I walked towards the tent and sat down. Then suddenly I got a call from Hyuna. Even though I was mad at her I picked it up.


"Yeah Y/N are you having fun?"

"Stop it Hyuna , I know you don't wanna tell me something."

"I will tell you as time comes wait for it."

"Yeah whatever it is."

I said and kept the phone down , honestly I did not wanna talk to her even a bit . She was literally ignoring me and I don't like getting ignored.

"Wanna hear a story?" Suddenly Jimin appeared out of nowhere.

I just looked at him as he came and sat beside me on the tent.

"There was a girl who got angry for little things , mostly because of a guy who annoyed her alot." He said and stopped.

"Then....." I was curious to hear more.

"That girl did not know only one thing." He said and smiled.

"What is it?"

"That she was in love."


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