-Chapter 17

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"Y/N please listen to me." Jimin said pinning me down to the chair.

I was just looking at him , trying to think straight.

"Jungkook loves you.." He said.

"Haven't I heard this before.....?" I asked.

He looked away for a second but looked down at me again. "Just tell me one thing......do you love him the way he does?" He was looking at me with full hope.

"I am leaving Jimin." I said and stood up ready to leave his house.

"Y/N you don't even know yourself that how much you love him!" He was yelling as I did not turn back , I just simply walked away.

It was raining heavily as I ran out . I ran to where my heart took me, the only place where I go to relax......

I ran until I saw the huge gate, I entered and saw the nameplate.

My father was right in front of me . I sat in front of his grave and started crying.

"Dad what do I do?" I asked crying.

"Why did you leave like this huh?" I asked crying on top of his grave.

The rain pouring in full speed as I spent a bit more time there and then finally stood up to leave.



"We are all gonna be graduating soon."

"I wonder who will be my prom date..."

The girls around me were all talking about the prom but I was sitting thinking about graduation....

It was in a few days and I did not even have a date . I wondered what I could possibly do . "I will not even go " I thought to myself.

"Hey Y/N ." Someone said as I turned around , it was Yooni , she was just a girl who I did not know much at all.

"Oh hey." I said with a smile.

"Do you have a prom date ?" She asked, which was kinda weird.

"Not yet....." I said.

"Ohh great!" She exclaimed.

"Why is it great?" I asked.

"I was here because one of my friend , who is kinda like your fanboy , so he wanted to ask you for the prom." She said as my eyebrows crunched.

"Who is it ?" I asked .

"Oh it's him." She said pointing towards a direction. I turned and saw Lee Min Ho sitting down.

He was like my dream guy in school as we attended the same school. He saw us staring at him as Yooni started calling him over with hand gestures.

He stood up and started walking towards us and hell yeah HE WAS HANDSOME.

He walked over and stood next to Yooni.

"So I will leave you two here ." Yooni said and walked away leaving me in an awkward situation.

"Umm Hi." He said not making any type of eye contact.

"Hi......" I said and looked down as I felt the tension in the air.

"Umm Yooni might have told you....." He trailed off thinking wether to say it or not.

"Yeah...." I said in a low tone.

"So will you be my prom date?" He asked awkwardly.

"Yeah....sure." I said , from the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook in the corridor just standing and witnessing the whole scene.

"Okay so can I get your number?" Min Ho asked.

I took his phone in my hand and wrote down my number. After writing as I turned around I did not see Jungkook there anymore.


Hey!! How ya'll doing??

I know I have exams and I am not suppose to be doing this right now BUT I decided to update . HELL YEAH! Who cares about exams anyways *whispers I do* .

Anyways what do you think about Lee Min Ho. Anyone from the 'BOYS OVER FLOWERS' drama???

If you haven't watched it you SHOULD.


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