Chapter 6: He's back

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Luckily I don't think he has noticed me yet but i needed to do something quickly or i was dead meat. It looked like he was in the process of getting skates. Either that or he was flirting with Yuuko. I was going to call out to Yuri but i knew Gakku would hear my voice. I decided to just skate out to him. As soon as he saw me back on the ice he stopped and gave me a confused look. When i was close to him I whispered to him, "Gakku's here. The one who bullied me." I was shaking again. "I know I said I wanted to be stronger but im scared..."

Yuri's confused look turned one of  anger. His eyes scanned the place looking for him. He spotted him and then turned to me again. "I won't let him hurt you (Y/N). I'll keep you Safe" he told me. He was about to skate off but I grabbed the corner of his sleeve. "Yuri...please don't hurt him." I begged hesitantly. "Huh?!?" He responded. "(Y/N) this man hurt you, put you in the hospital for god sake! How am I supposed to not hurt him?!" I could tell he was really upset. "I know what he did, believe me, i do but don't drop to his level. He hasn't done anything yet I just want you to be there if he does. I don't think he's noticed me yet. Just please Yuri." He didn't respond. He probably didn't know how or what to do. Then i heard i third pair of skates on the ice. I didn't bother turning around. I knew all to well who was there. I could hear Yuri scowling.

"Woah is that really little (Y/N)?" I could feel his smirk without looking. "So this is where you've been hiding? Why don't you turn around and face me midget." I slowly turned on my skates. A look of determination on my face. I was not going to let him get to me. "What do you want?" I said quietly but I know he heard me. "I was just coming to skate and I happened to see my former schoolmate so I thought I'd stop by and say something" he was still grinning. I couldn't read what he was thinking but i know it wasn't good.

He skated towards me and grabbed me by the collar almost lifting me off the ice. "You got away the last time i saw you. I don't like my victims getting away from me." Gaku was furious. At this point i was shaking violently. I could feel my eyes starting to tear up but i was trying my hardest not to let them out. I turned my head to look at Yuri but he wasn't there. All of the sudden i was dropped onto the ice. I looked up to see Yuri had punched Gaku in the face.

" You bastard! How dare you touch
(Y/N). You better get the fuck out of here before i kill you!" For some reason Gaku seem amused by Yuri. "Oh yeah? How's a pip squeak like you gonna stop me from taking care of that trash over there?" He motioned to me. Yuri was done listening to him I guess, because he kicked Gaku in the shin which cut his leg and he fell to the ice. I was too terrified to move. I just sat there silently crying. Yurio was now on top of them and they were fighting eachother. Yelling at eachother but I couldn't really hear.

I guess Viktor and Yuuri heard though. i saw them come rushing over to see what was happening. Viktor went to break up the fight while came towards me. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" He asked worried. I didn't respond. I just hugged him. I heard Victor yell at Yurio. "What the hell are you doing? You can't attack random guests!" He was holding Yurio back. "Some random guest?!" Yurio retorted. "This random guest is the one who put her in the hospital!" Viktor let go of Yuri and stepped in front of Gaku. This was the first time i had seen Viktor mad. "Leave this rink and don't come back. If i see you here or near (Y/N) ever again i will personally take care of you."

Gaku started to leave but then turned to me and said " No one will ever love you. Not even your parents could" I didn't know what to do. I just hugged Yuuri tighter. I heard the door close and he was gone. Yurio came rushing towards me. He grabbed me from Yuuri and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. "Its okay now. He's gone" I nodded a little. "Can...can we go home?" I mumbled. Viktor and Yuuri agreed that was a good idea.

With that we left. On the car drive home they took turns telling me funny skating stories and memories they all had together which made me feel a lot better. My favorite was the one Viktor told me about some sort of banquet they all went to where Yuuri got drunk. He tried his hardest to change the subject but Viktor still told me. Im really happy im with them now.

The story did remind me of something I wanted to ask though. Before Yurio called Viktor Yuuri's boyfriend. Im not sure if this if it would be prying to ask but im just really curious. "Hey do you two mind if i ask a question?" I directed towards the two adults in the front seats. "Go right ahead" Viktor answered me with a smile. We had just pulled up to a stop light so I figured it would be a good chance to ask. Ya know in case i have it wrong and they react negatively.

"Um are the you guys dating?" They kinda just looked at eachother for a second. I feel like I upset them. "Im sorry you don't have to answer that! Its just Yurio mention you two being boyfriends but I wasn't sure if he was making fun of you or.... im really sorry. Either way its none of my business" i looked down at my seat, out of breath from rambling. Yuuri then spoke, "its alright (Y/N). Yes Viktor and i are dating." He gave a soft chuckle. "And its fucking gross," Yurio spat out. "Aww come on, I think it's adorable! Love is love" i noticed that Yuri and Viktor were grinning ear to ear at my response and Yuri was just there. Being his annoyed self. Not that i mind.

After a bit we were finally home. I scurried up to my room to change into some comfy clothes and relax. As i was chilling on my bed I realized something. I never properly thanked Yurio for today. I should go do that. So i got up and walked across the hall to Yurio's room, Knocking on the door. "Who are you and what the hell do you want?!" I hear from the other side of the door. "Its me (Y/N), can I come in?" I tried to sound polite. "Tch sure"

I opened the door to relieve his moderately messy room. I figured I wouldn't completely intrude so i stood in the door way. I felt his cat rub against my leg. "I just wanted to thank you...for today. I tried being strong but i just froze once i saw his hand near me heh..." I wasn't entirely sure of what i was saying but it just kinda came out that way. Yuri looked up from his phone and met my eyes. "Its fine. I did it cuz I wanted to. Plus it bothered me seeing a scum like him around you. He is the definition of shit. I'll find him and beat him up again if you want," Yuri gave me a half semi smirk to signal he was joking but not really. "Uh please don't" i say with a nervous laugh.

I bent down and scooped up his cat. "Besides you're cat is mine now!" I was smiling like a child at the fair. I wanted to see where this would go. "NO SHE'S MINE GIVE HER BACK ASSHOLE" "nope!" I laughed and Yuri started chasing me around the house. Along the way i had put Poyta down and now Yuri and i were just having fun chasing eachother while he threatened to kill me.

Word count: 1427

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