Chapter 9: In Justice We Serve (Part 4)

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Song is Epic Chase Music : Run by Ross Budgen. Song is under Creative Commons License but still credits to the owner and his kind generosity for giving this song free for use.

 Song is under Creative Commons License but still credits to the owner and his kind generosity for giving this song free for use

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Chapter 9: In Justice We Serve (Part 4)


Tami is a quick runner, having been involved in marathons as she quickly comes into her pace, effectively dodging the crowd of misfits, most of which were gang youths; kids barely out of high school.

She barely notices any of them as she ditches the things that cause her to slow down: she releases her shield, using it to effectively, trip one of her assailants.

She then uses her helmet and swings it about, hitting one of her attackers on the face as she doesn't break her pace.

Once she's free out of anyone following her, She sees the man in the Hanya mask go into the gym, of which now looked dilapidated from the damage it took from the riots as the wooden panels look a bit shaky as she gingerly takes a step, noticing that it was a hard fall down to the basement of the Public Academy's Monitoring Room.

"I know you're in here," Tami yelled. "Give it up while you still have the chance," she yells to the top of her voice, noticing the floor vibrate as she tries her best to not notice as the Man in the Hanya mask's back is turned to which he then notices that he has company.

"Give up? Isn't that something you'd do, Little Miss Tami Hayase."

"You don't scare me anymore," Tami's blood red eyes blaze with fury. "If you noticed, I'm all alone. It's just you and me."

"Yes, it appears so," the Masked Man agrees, the voice synthesizer muffling his actual voice.

"Then tell me this, what's in it for you? You tried to kill me when my father tried investigating the Brotherhood of Fire those years ago. Why are you doing this now? Why target the Public Safety Academy? Too afraid to hit the Police?"

"My dear, even the Police are involved."

The news didn't really surprise Tami at this point. She had always known how corrupt the Police System was. Anywhere in the world, there was bound to be a bunch of baddies amongst each Nation's finest of men.

"But why the School? What did we do to earn your ire?" She demanded.

"Don't flatter yourself. It was always part of the Brotherhood's plan to destroy the one foundation that represents the future of the Police. We all share the same dream to shape the world into something new."

"With Chaos, obviously," Tami said, sounding absolutely bored with the topic. "Creating a New World Order by instilling fear and distrust of the Police is your group's goal." She shakes her head in disgust as she says, "Violence doesn't solve anything."

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