Chapter 2

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«Shut that thing off».
Voice still hoarse, Jaden blindly smacked Jesse with his pillow and burrowed his head under the covers, in an attempt to shield his ears from the high-pitched alarm.
«Why did you even set an alarm?».

Jesse sleepily snickered, shutting off the obnoxious sound, and threw Jaden his pillow back: «You said you wanted to check out some places. I figured we should do it before noon», he replied.

«Are you implying I wasn't going to wake up in time?».

«I was clearly stating you can't wake up in time», Jesse retorted, hiding a huge yawn behind his hand. «Besides, it's 10 am. It's not that early. Don't be a bitch about it and move your ass out of this bed», he then said, throwing his legs down the side of the mattress.
Rubbing his eyes, Jesse abandoned the warm hug of fine sheets to get up, stretching arms and back as he did so: «Come on, you can't be that tired».

Jaden grumbled a complaint: «I'm not tired. I'm sore everywhere because of you. You and your whole "let's skate with blades under my feet while Jaden sticks his ass on freezing ice" thing».
As to emphasize those words, he massaged his butt as soon as he stood up, wincing at the ache still lingering.

Jesse snorted: «Come on, seeing a majestic king like you falling constantly on his butt is funny», he said, ducking just in time to avoid the pillow Jaden threw at him.
Luckily, the innocent weapon didn't knock over anything as it missed, and Jesse crossed his arms in a scolding manner: «Stop it, you'll end up breaking something».

In response, Jaden tackled him with no warnings and both men fell on the fuzzy carpet covering the floor, the brunet on top of his boyfriend.
«The only thing I'm going to break is your willingness to get out of bed while I'm still here with you...», he muttered, so close to his ear Jesse could surely feel the vibrations of his voice.
Teal hair tickled his nose as Jaden left a trail of kisses on his neck, down and then up again, until his lips reached Jesse's face and smothered it with kisses as well.

«Stop teasing», Jesse complained, tangling his hands in Jaden's hair to pull the man into a deep kiss, flicking his tongue on the other man's lips to gain entrance to his mouth, tasting his lover as their tongues fought for dominance.
Then, out of breath, Jesse broke the kiss and pushed Jaden off of him, switching their positions just for a little while, just to give him a little hope, before getting to his feet and hold out a hand for the brunet: «We need to dress up and go. We're going to have all the time in the world this evening. I'm not going to spend the whole Christmas Eve in bed with you, even if it seems the most beautiful and tempting thing I could think of».

«I figured as much».
Sighing dramatically, Jaden took Jesse's hand and stood up: «Where are we going, exactly? I know I said I wanted to go around and check out places, but to be honest, I don't know where to go».

«We could go visit some Battle City places. Apart from Domino Pier, I've never seen them», Jesse suggested, taking a pair of pants and his favorite shirt from his luggage to dress up.
Jaden did the same, and then both men moved to the bathroom, ransacking the hotel's stocked toiletries and soaps. Even the mint toothpaste had an expensive feel to it.
While trying to tame his hair, always wild in the morning, Jesse came up with yet another suggestion: «Maybe we could go to Domino Plaza, afterwards. We didn't get to see the Christmas Tree there, yesterday».

Jaden agreed, drying his face with an overly fluffy towel taken from a heated rack: «That's surely something I want to see. I've never seen it, the only times I was here in Domino during my trips was summer, or spring. It's a shame it's hasn't snowed, though», he said, subsequently grabbing a brush to give shape to his messy hair.
«Also, there should be a cool café, somewhere in that square. Nothing special, but cool nonetheless».

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