Chapter 3

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Rummaging through his luggage, Jaden finally found the item of his hunt: a black pair of pants and shirt and a vibrant red jacket. He never wore those; in fact, Jaden bought the suit exclusively for that trip to Domino. He knew he was going to organize a fancy dinner, but his closet had nothing formal in it.
Aside from the high collar shirt resembling the one his past life Supreme King wore. And he didn't want to wear such a thing for Christmas Eve.
«Hey, Jesse, are you...oh».
The intention of asking Jesse if he was done died the moment Jaden's eyes fixated on him.

His body was tightly wrapped in a white suit, the clothing hugging his frame like they were made form-fitting just for him. Jesse was clutching a soft jacket in his hand, and his chest was enveloped by a silky looking shirt, blue like the sapphire on his Pegasus's forehead. Around his neck there was a pure white tie, with an elegant knot that would have taken forever for Jesse to make.
«You are... Jesse, oh my god, you're beautiful», Jaden said in a soft voice, stunned.
Is someone would have added a halo on Jesse's head, the impression of him being an angel walking on earth was nothing but perfect.

«Don't overreact, it's nothing», Jesse replied, although pleased by that reaction. «Rather, you need to get dressed, too. Or your perfect plan will be completely butchered and we're going to be late», he added, winking at the brunet.

Swallowing dry, Jaden nodded and headed towards the bathroom; he didn't need to shower (he took a brief one with Jesse right after coming back to their suite), but he needed to tame his hair into a more reasonable shape.
He grabbed a soft brush from the sink and started brushing his hair, long chocolate locks shaded with a much lighter hue, until he was satisfied with the result. Then, searching in own stuff he had gathered in the bathroom, recovered a black hair tie and tied his hair in a low ponytail, leaving only a few locks hanging free from his forehead, like a messy bang.
Once pleased, he got out of the pajamas he was wearing just to be comfy while Jesse was getting dressed, and replaced it with his suit, much less comfortable but definitely more appropriate for the kind of setting they were going to get themselves into.
He decided to avoid a tie, knowing he would be annoyed by it, and much to his appreciation the outfit worked pretty well together. At first, he thought the bright red jacket was going to clash and make everything weird, but the plain black of pants and shirt helped in maintaining a certain grade of sobriety.
Even Yubel seemed to like it, judging by their hum of approval.
«So... how's this?».

Jesse, who was drinking water from a bottle left by the hotel's staff, nearly choked on it.
«Holy Dragon, do you want to give me a heart attack so badly?», he sputtered, feeling his cheeks burning red.
Jaden was... perfect.
Sure, dressed in all black, with a fiery jacket on and glowing gold eyes he also seemed the embodiment of a not-so-evil demon, but he was, undeniably, perfect.
Disappointed, Jesse ran a hand through his constrained hair, fidgeting with the hair tie: «Do you really need to tie them?».

«If I don't want to be thrown out because I look like a failed metal singer, yes», was the answer. «It's only for the dinner».
Slowly, Jaden moved his hands up Jesse's back, stroking idly the soft fabric of his candid jacket, until he had a hand under his chin and the other firmly tangled in his hair. With a low hum, he leaned in just enough to let their lips touch, Jesse's minty breath caressing his nose: «Let's get going, they're not going to wait for us», he said, immediately killing the atmosphere.

«Oh, you fucking tease», Jesse tried to smack him, but Jaden slipped through his assault and got away, winking mischievously.
«You're going to pay for that, you know», he warned him, menacingly.

Jaden simply laughed, cheerfully, and took Jesse by the arm: «I promise, I'll make it up to you. But now we really have to get going», he said.
In response, he got a tender kiss on the cheek and another piercing glare from emerald eyes.

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