keep warm [pt.3]

250 31 4

they made their way to kei's bedroom.

kei nearly tripped on the way there as she was so nervous and shocked about jimin's request.

once they made it, jimin walked to the right side of the bed. away from the balcony.

kei slowly made her way to the left side of the bed and got under the covers, making herself into a little ball facing towards the balcony, with her back to jimin.

jimin sat down on the bed, and took a long look at kei before covering himself in the covers as well.

jimin faced away from kei, until he felt something.

she was shivering.

he slowly turned around to face kei's back and put his hand on her shoulder, slowly shaking her.

startled, she turned towards him, and now they were facing each other. his hand didn't leave her shoulder.

"hey.." jimin whispered worried, "are you cold? you're shaking so much."

"oh, n-no i'm just.. i'm just. just nervous.." kei whispered, barely audible.

"nervous? why are you nervous?" he questioned as his hand made its way down to her arm.

she let out a small gasp and after a few seconds she finally spoke.

she quickly sat up and blurted, "i know this is weird and i know you must've herd this a million times but i know who you are. you're jimin park. you're a talented singer, who rose to fame so quickly because of your amazing and unique songs. and i just never thought i'd meet such a talented person, i never thought i'd meet my idol here of all places. in my flower shop i had no idea who you were until i recognized you on the news and my heart just hasn't stopped racing. and i know i'm just a measly unimportant fan but believe it or not i've been there since day one, i've loved your music since you began and just everything that's happened tonight has had my feelings everywhere. and.. and.. and-"

jimin cut her off by giving her a tight hug, leaving kei frozen in place.

"i don't think of you as an measly unimportant fan. you've helped me out so much in such little time, and i thank you for that. i don't think any person would've reacted the way you did. you put helping me over freaking out about me, that's all i've ever wanted in a person. someone who'd help me just to help me, and not to get something out of me or freak out about me. i was finally able to have a good time for the while i've spent here, all thanks to you." he spoke kindly to kei.

kei slowly started to put her arms around jimin's neck, hugging him back as a few tears fell from her eyes.

she was so happy to be able to have this moment.

jimin backed up a bit, but kept his arms on kei's sides.

he looked at her face and noticed her tears.

he softly smiled, for he knew they were tears of happiness, and he softly rubbed them across her face with his thumb.

he kept staring at her softly, noticing things he hadn't before.

her flushed pink cheeks, her perfect pale skin. his eyes made their way all over her features.

from the hair tucked behind her ear, to her sparkling eyes.

"i've never met someone like her. she's different than other people." jimin thought.

he then went back to giving her a warm hug, and kei laid her head on his shoulder.

after a bit of hugging, kei's phone started to ring.

after a few seconds jimin finally leaned back and spoke, "i think you should get that"

"y-yeah you're right" kei responded.

she quickly moved off the bed almost falling on the floor before catching herself. jimin chuckled to himself quietly.

kei quickly ran to the ringing phone in the living room, leaving jimin sitting on the bed, smiling to himself. 

she got to her phone and saw that it was yein. kei was surprised she was calling at this hour, but it must've been important.

as soon as she answered the phone yein began to speak so quickly she was inaudible to kei.

"yein! yein! slow down take a deep breath and tell me what's going on" kei softly shouts.

yein takes a few deep breaths and begins.

"our wedding is today."

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