tea house

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jungkook and yein arrived at the tea house about thirty minutes early.

yein immediately proceeded to get out of the car while jungkook stayed seated.

once she was already outside and had shut the door closed she realized jungkook hadn't done the same. she gave him a confused look while he just smiled mockingly at her.

yein was about to go back in the car until she realized, it was locked.

is he being serious right now??
she thought.

she gave up almost instantly, she didn't care. she started walking towards the tea house on her own.

jungkook opened the door on the passengers seat and honked the horn.

"get back in before i change my mind" he yelled

yein was hesitant at first, but decided to go back to the car. she speed walked as fast as she could so it wouldn't make her look desperate. thankfully she made it in time and he didn't shut the door on her.

"you're such a child." she said annoyed

"you look like you were dressed by a child." he talks back

"i don't know why i got back into the car with you." yein said under her breath

"maybe you just can't get enough of me" he smirked

"oh please i've had enough of you already, i can't stand you." she says a bit loud

"too bad" he grins

yein exhales deeply and looks out the window.

"why are we even still here? shouldn't we be in the tea house?" she says as she turns back to jungkook

"oh yeah, we're thirty minutes early." he informs her

yeins stare turns into a glare as she realizes all the time she had to get ready.

she was about to storm out of the car when the door locked before she could open it.

oh no.
she thought

"yes i made you rush in purpose. you know why ?" the cold voice next to her spoke

yein didn't respond, she didn't even turn to face him.

"because it's fun, and that's just the beginning of how i'm going to make your life worse." he threatened

yein continued her silence, not even giving him the satisfaction of looking at her facial expression.

after a minute of dead silence, he finally let her out. as soon as she herd the door unlock she bursted out and speed walked towards the coffee house. not looking back.

jungkook chuckled to himself.

half an hour later

jungkook and yein sat at a table as far away as they could without looking as if they hated each other.

"helloooo!" a voice sneaks up on jungkook and messes up his hair

"never do that again i will smack you" jungkook threatened as he tried fixing his dark hair

"sorry sorry i won't do it again kookie." the voice chuckles

"i told you not to call me that in public namjoon." he says between his teeth, annoyed

namjoon ignores jungkooks comment and holds out a hand to his fiancé. she takes it and they move towards the two empty seats for the table and take a seat.

"so, you must be yein." namjoon asks

"yes that's right i am" yein smiles

"it's nice to finally meet you i am namjoon, jungkooks best friend!" he grins

"more like my worst friend" jungkook mumbles

namjoon continues to smile and goes on.

"this is my fiancé labiba!" he says as he puts his arm around her and pecks her cheek.

"it's very nice to meet you ms. jeon" she smiles sweetly

"oh please, just call me yein." she quickly responds

labiba continues to smile and nods in response.

"anyways, what i wanted to tell you guys is that labiba and i have extra tickets to a resort in the caribbean's, and we were wondering if you guys would take them for your honey moon." namjoon tells the newly wedded couple

yein freezes, she doesn't know how to respond.

"no thank you namjoon, i think we're ok." jungkook quickly steps in.

"but why? do y'all already have plans or something?" namjoon questions

"don't worry about it, i have other things planned. thank you for the offer though we appreciate it." jungkook answers sweetly and looks over at yein, signaling to keep the story going.

"yes, thank you." yein also says

"well alright then i guess we can give them to someone else right." namjoon says to labiba

"yes we can" she smiles at him with sparkles in her eyes

he smiles back at her in response.

how sweet.
yein thinks

open eyes ; yeinkookWhere stories live. Discover now