What going on here

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Peter and Ned are talking in the hall.
Ned: what's going on between you and MJ.
Peter: what do you mean?
Ned: you kissed her.
Peter: so.
Ned: you kissed her.
Peter: repeating doesn't make it mean sense it just lets everyone else know.
Ned: why did you kiss her I mean was it the first time.
Peter: I kissed her last night that was the first time.
Ned: so are you into her.
Peter: I don't know I've just been dying to kiss her for a while and we hung out last night and I walked her home and gave her a little kiss and I don't know know what we are.
Ned: it sounds like you like her.
Peter: I do but we've just become close friends and I'm not a big fan of dating after the whole liz incident.
Ned: yeah how awkward was it to have her dad arrested. I mean the odds of MJ's dad being a criminal as well is very slim.
Peter: not that it's just I stood liz up multiple times because if Spiderman emergency's and I just don't want to do the same to MJ.
Ned: my advice would be to ask her out whilst she's into you. You  don't want to miss your chance with her if you change your mind.
Peter: your right I'll ask her out.
At lunch.
Peter: Michelle do you want to get a coffee or something after school I need to talk to you.
Michelle: okay yeah I'll meet you at your locker.
Peter: cool.
At peters locker after school.
Michelle: hey you ready.
Peter: yeah.
They go to Starbucks.
Michelle: so what do you want to talk about.
Peter: straight into it.
Michelle: you asked me here to talk so talk.
Peter: something I didn't think I would say recently I've been having feelings about you and I've been confused and I realised I like you but I was unsure what to do about it because my schedule is full with the decathlon team and stark internship. But I have time I'm determined to make time because I really like you.
Michelle: I really like you too.
Peter: so do you want to be my girlfriend.
Michelle: I do but.
Peter: but what.
Michelle: like you said you have a full schedule I'll just be extra on your plate.
Peter: look I'll make time for you I promise.
Michelle: okay let's try this from now on I'm officially your girlfriend.
Peter smiles and kisses Michelle.

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