Detecting a Change of Heart

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  Sae Pov.

I had decided to trust the leader of the phantoms thieves and had shown the phone he gave me to Akechi. All that was left to do was to get the boy out of this police station and somewhere safe. I had managed to get the Leader of the phantom thieves into my car. He was still in a fairly drugged and confused state. Even if he was the leader of such a group his treatment had pushed the line and it disgusted me. I thought I was in the clear when I heard a voice behind me.

Y/n Pov

"Niijima..." I saw the woman in front of me Sae Niijima freeze. The truth is I had a lot of respect for both Sae and her father. My name is Y/n L/n a detective in the Shibuya police force. For the past few months I have been working the Phantom thieves case. At first I thought it was a complete joke but as time went on it got more and more serious. I wanted to capture them but now I'm not sure what I wanted. When they brought that kid in and said he was the Leader of the phantom thieves I honestly felt torn and had begun to question if what we were doing was really right. I was no fool to corruption in the police departments but had I become apart of it? I could see the kid sat passed out in her car now and grimace a little. He looked like he had been through hell. That was all I needed to make up my mind. I let out a sigh. "You're going to need help getting through the car park security station..." Sae turns and looks at me. "However I expect an explanation later." I say and Sae crosses her arms over her chest like I've seen her do so many times before. "Very well then." I move closer to her car now. "So is this him?" She nods. "Poor guy looks like they didn't hold back. Come on we'll need to cover him with something."

Sae Pov.

L/n Kun was now sat in my car while we attempting to break out the leader of the phantom thieves. To say I was surprised and shocked was an understatement. Had it been anyone else who caught me I would have been in serious trouble. I had seen Y/n in the station several times before over the years. He was a few years older than me. Though I had never worked with him I had heard he was quite dependable. We were arriving at the gate. "Even though I know how good you are talking let me handle this one." I hear him say to me. I glare at him and we soon arrive at the security station the last stop before freedom. "Paperwork." I hear the guard call out. "I grab my papers but feel a hand stop me. "Yo is that you Kaito?" The guard peers down a little. "That you Y/n? What are you doing in Ms Niijma's car?" Y/n chuckles. "I asked her to help me out with a case is all." The man called Kaito nods. "Hey what's that under the blanket? You trying to sneak someone out?" I feel my grip on the wheel tighten. Y/n lets out a sigh. "Alright you caught us..." He pulls back the blanket. "We're ditching and I'm going to teach Niijima how to fish."

10 minutes earlier.

"At the risk of sounding like an asshole it would be better if we were to move him to the trunk until we are at least of the station." I sigh but nod knowing he is right. I watch as Y/n effortlessly manages to pull Akira/Ren out of my car and lift him to the trunk of my car and carefully place him in. 'He's stronger than he looks.' I think to myself. "One moment." I watch as Y/n runs off into the police station and comes back a few minutes later with some fishing gear and a blanket. I tilt my head at him slightly annoyed and confused. "Complain later." He said setting them in the back.

Back to Present.

We were now driving off as Y/n waved back to Kaito. When we are a few miles away from the station we pull into an alley way and both let out a sigh of relief we had both been holding. "Well that could have gone worse." Y/n says chuckling. "How did you know?" I asked him. He gets out the car and pulls out a cigarette. I was unaware he smoked. "Smoke?" He offers me one and I shake my head. "Good choice bad habit of mine been meaning to quit."  he says as he lights his own. He tokes on it before exhaling letting the smoke escape from his mouth. "I saw Kaito was on security detail for the car park today. He has a habit of checking people's cars even if he is a tiny it suspicious. I decided to throw him a curve ball. Most people feel guilty when they have there suspicions proven wrong and are unwilling to be wrong again so quickly. Hence the fishing gear. I knew once he saw it he would be unwilling to try questioning us again." He tokes on his cigarette again now leaning back on my car slightly. "That was slightly impressive I have to admit." I see him smile a little. "Well I had a good teacher." He finishes the cigarette now and puts it out. He stretches. "So what we doing with Mr Phantom thief in your trunk here? I mean they are going to realize he is missing by now." I shake my head. "Not if everything goes according to plan. They will assume he is dead." I see Y/n's eyes widen slightly. "I didn't just become an accomplice to murder right?" He asks. "No. I have already told you I will explain everything to you later but for now we must get him somewhere safe." Y/n walks to the trunk and opens it. "Poor kid's had one hell of a time." He says as hell pulls him out of the trunk carefully lying him down in the back seat. Replacing the fishing gear that was now sitting in my car trunk. "So where we taking him?" He asks as we both get into the car. "He mentioned something about a café named Leblanc before falling unconscious." Y/n nods. "Well I could do with a drink after today but coffee works just as well."

Y/n Pov.

We had arrived and parked around the corner for the café called Leblanc. Sae had told me to wait with the kid while she went ahead. I was having another cigarette when the kid woke up. He looks at me and his eyes widen. I notice him and take a drag on my cigarette. "Relax kid. Yeah I'm a cop but not here to take you back." I exhale the smoke now. "Quite the day you have had." The teen in the car rubs his eyes and I see the marks on his wrist from the cuffs. 'Even if this kid was the leader of the phantom thieves did they have to be so harsh on him?' I watched as a middle aged man with a pointy beard made his way towards the car. He pulls out his own cigarette lighting it. The kid looks more relaxed when he sees the man so I assume he knows him. "I won't ask what happened but thanks for getting him out of there." I nod at the man finishing my cigarette. "The kid should get a good nights rest he's been through a lot." The man helps the kid out of the car and he's able to stand on his own. The drugs they had him on seem to be easing up slightly but that only means he will start to feel more discomfort. "Feel free to stop by for a cup of coffee sometime it's on the house." I hear the middle aged man say. I was about to get back into Sae's car when I hear the kid speak. "Thank you for helping me." I smirk a little. "Just don't get caught again." He nods and walks away with the middle aged man as I climb into the car. 'I guess I have a few moments to rest my eyes.' I think as I close my eyes.

Sae Pov

It was dark out when Makoto and I walked out the cafe. "Makoto have you eaten today?" I asked my little sister. Makoto shakes her head. "No I was too nervous Sis." I guess I could understand that. "Then shall we eat out tonight? I know of a place that serves sushi." Makoto smiles and nods as we make our way to my car. "Sis! There is someone in your car!" I hear Makoto call out. My eyes widen and I quickly remember Y/n. "Ahh We must have been longer than I expected..." 'Had he waited all this time?' I walked to the passenger side of the car where Y/n was it looked like he had fallen asleep. I felt slightly bad that he had waited all this time for me. I lightly tapped on the window.

Y/n Pov

I heard a light tapping and my eyes began to slowly open. It took me a few moments to register where I was. I quickly remember the events from this afternoon. I rub my eyes groggily and open the car door. "Ughh I wasn't sleeping." Sae crosses her arms. "Then I wasn't in there for 5 hours." I smile a little. "Touche." I step out the car for a moment and stretch. It's now that I notice a girl around about the same age as the kid from earlier. She looks a bit like Sae. "Your sister?" I ask. Sae looks at the girl and nods. "Sis who is this man?" I hear her ask. Before Sae can answer I extend my hand towards her. "Y/n L/n. I helped your sister out earlier this afternoon." The girl shakes my hand. "Makoto Niijima." I pull out a cigarette placing it in my mouth. "You know you still owe me an explanation Sae." I say now lighting up. I make sure the smoke goes nowhere near the girls. Sae sighs. "I suppose I owe you that much at least. Makoto and I are heading out for dinner would you care to join us?" I inhale some smoke before breathing it out. "Well that depends on if your sister does not mind." The girl named Makoto seems to think for a moment. "I don't mind." I smile. "Then looks like I shall join you." I put out my fag and drop it into a drain. We all climb into the car now and buckle up.

While we were heading to wherever Sae and Makoto planned to eat I decided to ask how the kid was doing. Makoto seemed surprised that I asked the question. "You can relax Makoto Y/n was one of the reasons Akira/Ren was able to get out of there. Had it not been for his help I would have been caught." Sae says honestly. "Thank you For getting him out of there." I hear Makoto say. "Don't thank me I just looked at the situation and went with my gut." I look out the window as the lamppost's went by. "But you are a detective. If they find out you were involved you will get into serious trouble. As will you Sis... I wish we hadn't needed to involve you." She says the last part sadly. I simply shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever happens next will happen just got to give it our all to make sure the result is a good one right?" Makoto smiles a little and nods. "Yes you are right." The rest of the journey is rather quiet only small talk.

We finally arrived at what appeared to be a sushi place. 'Hmm can't remember the last time I had the luxury of Sushi.' I thought to myself. I followed the two girls as we walked inside. The place seemed to be rather busy not that I minded. We sat at the bar styled table as the chef prepared food. The talk between Sae, Makoto and myself was rather pleasant. It sure beat the usual drinking a few beers before turning in for the night that I was used to. "L/n San may I ask a request of you?" I hear Makoto ask me. I place some sushi in my mouth and nod. "You were kind enough to help assist Sis in smuggle out Akira/Ren." She says quietly enough for only the three of us to hear. "I was wondering would you able to possibly help assist the phantom thieves alongside Sis." I put my hand up and swallow the food in my mouth before speaking. "I know what you are asking but I don't think it is such a good idea." I try to smile but Makoto looks visibly upset before she nods. "Taking down Masayoshi Shido will be much harder than we had hoped." At the sound of the mans names I involuntary drop my chopsticks. Both Sae and Makoto look at me. I quickly clear my throat. "Excuse me a moment." I stand up from my chair and head outside pulling a cigarette out and quickly lighting it. "Fucking asshole..."

Sae Pov

Both Makoto and I were slightly confused and worried by Y/n's reaction to Shido's name. "I will go talk with him." I say to Makoto. She nods and continues to eat while I make my way outside. When I step outside I look around before I can finally see Y/n. He's lying on a small wall. One of his arms is draped over his eyes the other holding a cigarette. I sigh slightly before making my way to him. "That habit will kill you you know." He just raises his arm bringing the cigarette to his mouth inhaling the smoke before letting it out with a deep sigh. He remains silent for a few minutes and I turn to leave. "You really going after Shido?" I turn back around and see he's now sat up looking down at me. I nod. "Yes. The kids have selected him as their next target." A few moments of silence go by as we both look at one another. It's now that I notice he has beautiful E/c eyes. They look sad and angry at the moment. "Alright. I'll help you and those kids take him down I owe my partner that much." I cross my arms. "Your partner?" He jumps down off the wall now. "Ask me about it some other time." He walks past me and heads back inside.

Time Skip

Several weeks had gone by now as the phantom thieves were working hard to take down Shido. During that time Both Sae and myself had grown closer. We would meet up most nights now after work to grab a drink. At first she was as cold as ever but slowly over time she would open up about small details in her life like her father, Makoto and recently she had even been considering changing careers from a prosecutor to a defence lawyer. Tonight was just a normal night like any other I had just finished my drink when I heard Sae ask me a question. "Y/n why did you change your mind when Makoto mentioned Shido?" The smile from my face disappeared. I let out a sigh. I knew the question would come up eventually. Sae had been so open with me these last few weeks maybe it was time I was open with her. I haven't really spoken to anybody about what happened and it might feel good to finally get it off my chest.  "When I first joined the force I was assigned a partner to help show me the ropes." I sat back in the booth closing my eyes remembering it. "My partner was one of those old school my way or the highway cops. At first I hated working with him I was too busy trying to stick by the book. Over time though I changed how I worked and the results speak for themselves. He was a great man. I never really had a dad growing up it was always just me and my mother so I guess you can say he became a father figure to me." I rubbed the back of my head slightly embarrassed now. "He sounds nice. Where is he now?" Sae asks. I pull out a cigarette now and she frowns. Over the last few weeks she had been convincing me to give up smoking for my own good but right now I needed one. I light it up. "My partner was looking into a case tied to one Masayoshi Shido. We technically weren't on duty at the time but he was so dedicated to trying to solve the case I offered to help out. One night we were on a stakeout you know the regular sat in a car bored out your mind for few hours kind. I offered to get us both a coffee so I had left the scene for a moment." I toked on my cigarette now. "When I got back. My partner had been shot." I finished my cigarette. "They say he died instantly so there was no suffering. I can't prove it but I know Shido had something to do with it." I look at Sae. "I wanted to be the one to let his wife know what happened I owed her that much at least you know. I'll never forget the look of anger and sadness on her face when I said the words. Nor will I ever forget how she screamed it was my fault for going to get coffee." I looked down now feeling shame and guilt. "Perhaps if I had been there things would have been different. I couldn't even convince the chief to look into the shooting because we were not on duty at the time." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to meet Sae's eyes. Only sat as close as we are do I now notice that Sae has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. "It is foolish to blame yourself for what happened. Had you been with your partner you most likely would also have been killed as well." I know she's right but I still feel guilty. "When I heard your sister say they were goign after Shido I knew I had to help. I don't care if I get caught in the end but as long as I can take that ass down I'll do what I can. For the justice my partner deserves." Sae smiles and nods. "Thanks Sae. You know you are the first person I've actually talked to about it since it all happened." She sips her drink. "It must be difficult to talk about. I feel the same way when the subject comes to my father." I remembered when she had told me the story she was indeed very upset and I did my best to comfort her. I watched Sae for a moment while she drank the alcoholic beverage we both had ordered. 'I wouldn't mind staying in this moment for a while..' I thought to myself. My phone buzzing in my pocket brought me out of my day dream. I took out my phone and groaned. "Work?" Sae asks. I shook my head "Worse. My mother." She tilts her head. "I thought you said you got on with her." I open up the text. "And I do but I can guarantee I know what the text will be about." Sae puts down her drink. "And what would that be." She crosses her arms and places one leg over the other. "Marriage..." Sae's eyes widen slightly. "Recently she's been commenting on how I should at least have a wife at my age." I roll my eyes. "I want it to be something that I choose you know. Not something I do because I feel obligated too." Sae nods slightly. "I was recently told I should start looking for a husband by my own peers..." I scoffed. "People just need to let us get on with our lives and worry about their own." Sae agrees. "Besides when the time comes you won't have a problem I think any man would be lucky to have you." I sipped my drink now. Sae narrows her eyes at me. "What do you mean?" I finish my drink and put it down. "Well you're strong willed. You rise up to the challenge even if it's difficult. You are very intelligent and you are a clear professional in your profession. Underneath that you are also kind, caring even if you are a little reserved. You clearly care for your sister and her well being. I think if you choose to be with somebody they would very lucky and you would be able to keep them on their toes as they say." I chuckled adding the last part.

Sae Pov

I was shocked and surprised by what Y/n had said about me. What shocked me the most was that not once had he mentioned my looks. He had been talking solely about me as a person. It took me a moment to find my voice. "I..Thank you. I'm sure you will make a great husband yourself one day." He chuckles again. "Got a few things I need to give up before I do that." He says placing a cigarette in his mouth but this time I decide to tease him and take it out his mouth. He turns to me in way to say give it back but I just smile innocently and he sighs. "You win this time he says." I giggle to myself and we carry on the night.

The end of the night was now approaching and Y/n was fairly intoxicated. "Shit where did I put my keys. Did I leave them at the station?" He groans. "Would you perhaps like to stay at my place if you cannot find your keys?" It just came out and I had no intention of saying it. He tilts his head slightly. "Did you just invite me back to your place?" I close my eyes and nod. He laughs a little. "We're not even dating though." I feel my face become red and I would have started to berate him had I not remembered he was slightly drunk. "Relax I'm just teasing you." He says grabbing his sides he quickly composes himself. "But I gotta say you are rather cute when you go all red like that." I feel myself blush again and this time I punch his shoulder lightly. "Knock it off." He laughs as he rubs his shoulder. "Thanks Sae for offering me a place to stay tonight." I start walking to my car as he follows. "You are sleeping on the couch." He nods. "I assumed that would be the case." We climb into my car. "Sae." I hear him call me so I turn to look at him. "Be careful. They are going to be coming after you as soon as they realise that kid is still alive. You have to throw them off the trail." I start the car. "You worried about yourself being caught after all you helped me." He shook his head. "No I don't care what happens to me. I'm just worried about you. I don't want to see someone else I care about get taken down By Shido." I look at him now but his eyes are looking down sadly. "What did you say?" I asked him making him look at me. "I Like you Niijima..." He says blushing and looking away from me after a few seconds. It surprises me but I don't feel mad or upset. Instead I feel happy for some reason. I smile and nod. "I see. We can talk about this more when you have sobered up."

We drive back to my place and I help Y/n up to the apartment. Makoto was home and was surprised when she saw y/n. "Is he okay?" she asks. "Yes he's just intoxicated." I reply and she helps me settle Y/n down on the couch where he finally passes out. "I thought you two were only going out for a few drinks." Makoto says. "Yes that was the plan but we were both having a good time and lost count evidently." I sit down at the table in kitchen and Makoto brings me some water. "Thank you." I say to her as I start to drink it. "We are issuing our final calling card tomorrow." I nod. "Very well. I wish you all the best of luck do not let us down."

Y/n Pov.

It was the next day and my head was killing. "Ugh I'm never drinking again..." I say as I sit up slowly beginning to rub my sore temples. "You said that last time." I heard Sae say. "Yeah, Yeah but this time I mean it." I rub my eyes. 'Wait a second....' I quickly open my eyes. "Sae! What are you doing here!?" She crosses her arms. "Considering I live here it would be normal for me to be in my own home." I look around and this was indeed her place. "Then what am I doing here? Pardon my intrusion." I quickly got up and apologized. She laughs and smiles to herself amused. "Relax. I invited you back here when you couldn't find your keys." I sigh. "I defiantly drank to much last night." Sae puts on hand on her hip. "You also confessed to me last night." My eyes went wide and I quickly rub the back of my neck. "I did huh?" She nods. "Boy this is awkward. Look I do like you Sae but I also respect you so I can understand if you just see me as a friend so don't worry about it. I better get to work." I go to pick up my suit jacket that had fallen on the floor. "I didn't say yes or no." I hear Sae say. I looked up at her. She smiles. "Let's just see how things go for now shall we?" I smile and nod.

Time skip.

It's finally over...we had won. Masayoshi Shido was going to jail. He had admitted his guilt to several crimes including the death of my partner. The kids had done well even if their leader had to leave earlier in the year. Sae and I had both worked hard on the case staying up late most nights in both My office or at her place sometimes. We had grown very close over that time and recently become a couple. Not everything was perfect after all I was having to wear nicotine patches to give up smoking much to my annoyance but if it meant I could get to be with the women I cared about most in the world then I could manage. I heard my phone buzz and I looked at it. "Sae?" I called out. "Yes Y/n?" She says stepping into the room. "Are we free this weekend?" I asked. "Most of our plans and schedules would centre around Sae's new job as a defence attorney. "I think so why do you ask?" I showed her my phone. "My mother wants to meet you." I rubbed the back of my head. Sae smiles. "I look forward to it." We both look at each other and lean forward connecting our lips. 'Maybe one day marriage will come into my mind but for now I'm just happy to be with Sae.'

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