Dance. (Short)

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3rd person.

A thing that brought everybody together, party's, family reunions... Etc most of them would have dancing or/and singing, also happens. To be a way for the hot-headed ashy blonde to cool down. He was more of a Break dancer but he'd dance along to any song depending if he thought the move found suite it or not.

Bakugou ran a hand through his spikey hair and groaned. He walked into the schools gym because he got permission to use the gym to cool down for a bit, right now he was meant to be at lunch but after an incident he had to restrain himself from killing Deku.

He walked to the back of the gym to hook up his phone to the speaker and decided to go with a easy song to dance to, for him that is. He chose the song 'Sober up' by AJR, it kinda reminded himself of his childhood in a weird way. Bakugou started of with one of those slow motions dances, in the middle of it he threw his blazer and schoolbag to the side of the gym and kept dancing. Mostly the slow. Motion dance until it got to the chorus when he started to do some kind of hip hop I guess you could say.

"Wow, you can dance?!" Bakugou heard someone ask shocked, he stopped dancing a scowl plastered onto his face.

"Hello to you to shitty-hair." Bakugou growled under his breath.

"I just came to say that Aizawa is letting you stay here for longer but I have to stay with you." Kirishima grinned.

"I swear you are a little shit." Bakugou mumbled. 

"I'm an amazing shit then! anyway we've been dating for 2 months why didn't you say you could dance? You're really good!" Kirishima complemented, Bakugou felt himself blush but pushed it aside.

"Wasn't important, Kiri." Bakugou groaned then smirked knowing it makes the slightly smaller boy blush. The red head slowly walked over to his boyfriend with a smile and kisses Baku's cheek, and Bakugou was right Kirishima was slightly blushing. "I dance because it calms me down, I'm not trying to enter weird stuff or some shit like that."

"You'd be a great dancer though." Kirishima pointed out/ complemented.

"You're way to good for me." Bakugou mumbles sitting down on the bench. Without asking Kirishima sat down beside Bakugou and layed his head onto his boyfriend's shoulder.


"I'll keep this short; 1. Your smile. 2. Your kindness. 3. Your the opposite of me. 4. You make me smile even if I hate to admit it. Dammit, I love you."

"Love you to bro." Kirishima yawned.

Bakugou looked down at Kirishima, he seemed to be confused and more sleepy than before.

"Just a minute ago you where full of energy and now you're tired? How the fuck do you do it?"

"You've a calming aura when you're not trying to kill someone, it is a much different atmosphere compared to the class." Kirishima mumbled, Bakugou leaned down and kissed Kiri's lips.

"Well you got lucky then." Bakugou grunted (only because he didn't want to seem tooooooo sappy)

"Katsu." Kirishima mumbled half asleep.

"Don't call me that Hair-for-brains!"


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