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The man disappeared right after his action

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The man disappeared right after his action. Mon-El sprinted over to his lifeless daughter laying on the cold concrete floor.

"Val. Val, it's okay, I'm here. I'm here. I'll, I uh I'll get you to the DEO and we'll fix you."

Tears flooded from eyes as she held his daughter in his hands. She lay there limp. Her eyes wide open. He ran his hands over her eyes to close them. Her face was calm, she wasn't in pain.

"Mon-El.. we need to go, it's Kara." Alex said, wiping the tears from her mascara stained face.

"What's wrong with her?"

Mon-El laid Valerie on the gurney that the doctors had laid out for her. They were going to do their job. Mon-El didn't even want to think about it.

"I miss you." He whispered.

The two ran up to Kara's room. He stopped before they reached the door.

"Alex I don't think I can go in there. I'm not ready."

"Mon-El you don't know what's in there. It could be good. You need to go in there with me." She reassured him.

He nodded and rubbed his head. Slowly he walked into the room but what he saw shocked him. Kara was sitting up, smiling and talking to the doctor.


She turned his attention to the voice and her eyes brightened and her smiled widened.

"Mon!" She replied. She wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him in the tightest hug of existence.

"Kara I missed you so much." He whispered into her neck. "I was so lost without you."

"Well I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." She reassured him. "How are the girls?"

Mon-El's heart dropped. He turned away from Kara and rested his hand in the ridge of his mouth.

"Mon-El what's going on?" She asked more worried.

"Kara.. Val is dead."

The color drained from her face. She looked at the ground and didn't say anything for what seemed like hours.

"Val.. no, she can't be I just saw her three days ago! She can't be dead!" She shouted.

"He killed her Kara. He killed her and she's gone!" He cried. "Our sweet girl is gone! She's gone. she's gone.. she's.. gone!" He yelled and punched the wall.

"Why me?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "Why me. What did I ever do? What did she ever do?"


Kara woke up in a cold sweat. She was laying on a DEO gurney, Mon-El was sitting in the chair next to her. She looked around, she was in the same room as before.

"Mon-El!" She yelled.

Mon-El jerked awake from his light slumber.

"We need to find him." She demanded.

"Kara what do you mean? Find who?" He asked, confused.

"The man you said killed Val." She replied, she was now growing confused as well.

"Kara, Val's at home with the twins. You passed out in the bathroom."

"Wait what?" She asked.

"Kara, you passed out two hours ago and you just now woke up. Nothing happened in between then and Val certainly did not die."

"It was a dream." Kara sighed. "But wait, why did I pass out?"

"You're pregnant."

Merry Christmas my friends.
Y'all got p-r-a-n-k-e-d.

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