Chapter 10

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You yawn as you stretch and rub your eyes, your phone's special ringtone was going off and a picture of you and Namjoon pop up on the screen. You pick up the phone, a small smile pressed to your lips as you look at you and your favorite person and answer the phone.

"Hey, dummy." You say warmly as a groggy hello greets you back, "How's your head?"

"It hurts, very, very much." Namjoon growls and you couldn't help but to fall in love with his morning growl, "I feel like my head is gonna pop off."

"Well that's the price you pay when you drink." You sigh and shake your head. You can hear Namjoon's hearty awkward laugh and your heart skipped a beat.

Namjoon sucks in a breath, "Mmh, how'd you sleep?"

"So much better now that I'm in my own bed."

At that sentence, Namjoon seemed to wake up, "You're home again?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Kim Namjoon I'm going to say it slowly so that you can understand. You. Were. Drunk."

"Oh..." There was a long pause before you heard shuffling around. You raise a brow as your curiosity kicks in.

"What are you doing?" You ask and Namjoon's voice cheeses and you can picture his smile.

"I'm coming over~"

"But I haven't even asked my—"

"I've talked to your mom a few days ago, she says I can come over whenever I want. I'm always welcome."

Your heart fluttered, even though Namjoon is going to die once he steps outside and the bright sun shines in his face.

"How are you gonna get here?"

"I can walk."

"Wear sunglasses."

"Why would I need to— aaaah! The light, it burns!"

You shake your head and pinch the bridge of your nose and chuckle.

"I'll see you when you get here." You hang up and sit for a few minutes and stare at your room, your mother must've worry cleaned all around the house. Your room was spotless, clothes put away, everything was dusted off.

But then you remembered that you just woke up, and your hot boyfriend was about to come over.

You practically throw yourself out of bed and rush to your bathroom, you needed to freshen up, you needed a brush, a shower, perfume—you ran out of perfume—heavily scented body wash, and you needed to plan what outfit you needed to wear.

You jumped into the shower and almost screamed at how cold the water was on your skin, in your rush you forgot to check the temperature. You bend your body in different ways to get away from the arctic waters and be able to adjust the water and make it warmer. You shiver as your water finally begins to warm up and you grabbed your wash cloth and the sweetest scented body wash you had.

You were extremely nervous for Namjoon to come over, you quickly lathered yourself with the soap and thought things over in your head, how were you going to spend your time together? What were you even going to do? How would you keep him entertained and not bore him?

"How do other people do this?" You sigh as the warm water carries the soap from the top of your body to the drain of your tub, "What am I even supposed to do? He's never been here before... what would he even want to do?"

You sigh and quickly finish your shower, you dry off your body, rake your brush through your hair, and now you stand clad in a towel trying to figure out the perfect outfit. Goosebumps are raised on your arms as there's still small droplets of water from your speedy shower.

Your Pocket Monster (Kim Namjoon x reader) (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now