Chapter 4

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Namjoon was bustling over to the office with a heavy box in his arms. He had some free time after finishing his class work and his teacher asked him to run a quick errand. Namjoon was proud to help, he knew his teacher's frail arms wouldn't be able to lift the heavy box, and the poor old woman wouldn't make it down the hall before her next class.

Namjoon hums a soft tune of one of the songs he's made as he takes long strides towards the office. You were still on his mind, you had told him that you didn't want a typical "love" song. You wanted to know what Namjoon would say if he was in a relationship with a girl and she began to fall out of love. It's not that he hasn't had experience in that field...

He just doesn't know what he would say.

Namjoon takes a sharp left turn and enters the office. He greets the woman at the front desk and sets the box down for a moment.

"Mrs. Kae asked me to drop these off for her." Namjoon says and the woman goes to grab the box, "Wait, I can take it, where does it need to go?"

The woman smiles at him and keeps a firm grip on the box, "I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed back there, I appreciate your courtesy."

Namjoon smiles back shyly and dips his head towards her, "Understood, have a good day." Namjoon turns on his heel and almost trips over his own foot as he sees you sitting in the office chair. You were sitting next to two other girls and Namjoon raises his brow.

Before his brain could catch his words, decided to question your presence, "Y/N? Why are you here?"

You look up at him nervously and give a weak smile, "Well, I was sitting in class, minding my own business when these two imbeciles decided it was ok to talk about someone and degrade them. So when I heard enough, I chewed them out and threatened them. That's why all three of us are here, them for bullying, me for threats."

"Y-You shouldn't have to threaten people... I thought you said you didn't care about what people said?"

"No, I said I don't care about what people say about me. But when people start talking about others, I can't listen to whatever crap they have to say. I believe my point came across to them and the whole class, the word will spread about my message soon." You shrug and Namjoon feels this unnerving feeling in his stomach.

"What did they say?" He pressed, he had a feeling as to who they were talking about, but nevertheless he wanted to know what they said.

"They called this person ugly," You glare at the two girls harshly, "They were extremely rude and childish, I hope at some point they apologize to whoever it is they insulted."

Namjoon looks at the ground and feels himself become cold, he felt his heart slow down drastically and he shivers slightly, "Do you think that that person's ugly? Do you think that person is unattractive?"

You stare at Namjoon and slightly frown at his sadden state, "I know this person isn't ugly, inside or out. This person is fine just how they are, and anything said otherwise is complete bull."

Namjoon can't help but feel slightly aggravated at your denial, at your ignorance. He was ugly, he was atrocious. What in God's world made you think otherwise?

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I can't believe you."


Namjoon's eyes burn with held back tears, his voice cracks into a soft whisper that you barely heard, "I am ugly." Namjoon rushes out of the office before you or the other two girls could see him cry.


"I am ugly." Your heart sinks as you see Namjoon rush out of the office as he finishes his words. You bolted up from your chair, not caring about the front desk woman shouting at you to sit back down. You walked right out and briskly walked behind Namjoon. You could hear the soft sniffles of him crying, your heart ached even more.

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