Epilogue Alternate Ending - The Original Planned Ending

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A Sonic the Hedgehog Christmas Special Story Chapter by VirusChris


"... And they lived happily ever after. The End," I finished reading Cream and Cheese's bedtime story as they both snuggled in bed smiling blissfully at the story.

"I love that story, thank you for reading it to me and Cheese," Cream smiled happily at me with Cheese agreeing with her 'Chao! Chao! Chao!' chirps. I couldn't help, but smiled warmly at her as I put the book away and get ready to go to bed myself.

"Of course, Cream. I'll read you a story anytime," I said and I mean it. Could never hate and I enjoy spending time with her. Not to mention I'm dating her mother or I think we're going to be together together with her so Cream is like a daughter to me now... well I like to think of her as my own daughter. Any dad would be proud to have a daughter like her.

"U-Um...," the rabbit girl hesitantly squeaked trying to get my attention, but I heard her, as she darted her eyes away, "I have one more thing I like to ask... if that's alright with you?"

I wonder what's on her mind now? "Of course, what is it?" It's Christmas so I can give her another gift. It looks like I'm spoiling her already.

"C-Can I...," Cream looked up to me with those adorable cute eyes of her and smiled embarrassingly, "Can I call you 'Papa'?"


My heart! Oh, my heart... when she just called me 'Papa' my heart just burst with this overwhelming feeling of happiness and fatherly love in me I couldn't help but break into a big old grin on my face. I started to tear up.

I wiped my eyes before I started to tear up, "O-Of course, Cream! You can call me that anytime you want."

The look of absolutely happiness on her face and the smile she gave me was so worth it as she squealed as she jumped out of bed and gave me a surprise hug, her arms around my neck. I was completely caught off guard by that and in the middle of it, Cream asked if it was okay if she can get another hug before bed.

I couldn't deny her.

"Of course, Cream," and I returned the hug with affectionate as well and smiled happiness. I wonder if this is what all fathers go through with their daughters and if so I'm proud to finally get to know this feeling.

I kiss her on the forehead and tugged her in bed with Cheese, making sure the two are snugged as a bug in a rug, "Goodnight Cream and happy dreams."

I take my leave as both Cream and Cheese slowly slip into slumber as I close the door, peeking through the door with a proud and happy smile on my face after Cream went to sleep before shutting the door.

It's getting close to midnight now so I head off to my bedroom.

As I put my hand on my bedroom door, I hear someone call my name. I looked to my side and see Vanilla standing there in the hallway with that beautiful smile on her as she greeted me.

"Off to bed already?" she giggled as she approached and stood before me, "I wish to thank you for reading Cream her story. She really loves it when you read her, her bedtime stories and I'm thankful for it."

"Oh, it's nothing Vanilla. I would do anything for Cream and you," I blushed with embarrassed as I scratched the back of my head as I looked away shyly, "When you two gave me a place to stay here and treated me like family, I would anything to return the favor. No matter how small it is."

"And that's why I love you so much, that kind heart of yours," Vanilla affectionately told me as she leans on my side and hugs my arm, "I can't imagine my life without you now."

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