This is New...

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You slowly peel your eyes open, blinking blindly in the bright light. You almost scream when your eyes focus on a face inches from yours. An old man looms high above you "You're awake, good... you look worse for ware" he chuckles sitting up to his whole height "it will be night soon, better find a fire, I would hate to lose you this early" he grins before sinking into the earth below his feet.

At last you gained function of your limbs, stiffly you sit up and struggle to stand. Something had held you in place, and whatever it was, you hoped that it wouldn't hurt you again... You look up to the sky, the man was right, it would be dark soon. You glance around and begin gathering what you could, twigs, berries, stones, and some shiny sharp rock, flint, you think.

"It sure is green here, more green than I thought I'd ever see." You think out loud, taking in your surroundings. You continue to wander, grabbing what you could. That was, until things started to get heavy, your face contorting into a grimace when you shift the weight in your arms. Finally, you start dropping things.

"Oh for heavens sake!-" you hiss bending to pick up your twigs and stones, that's when you drop your berries. You go to pick up the berries, now your flints gone. "Stupid, stinking, lousy good for nothin-" you grumble reaching for them. You foot gets caught on a hellish rock in the ground and are sent sprawling to the floor. "This is ridiculous!" You throw your now free arms in the air. You look down finally noticing the bag. "When did that get there?!" 'I didn't that have in the wood, it doesn't even look like mine!' It hung across your shoulder, the strap spanning your chest.

I guess your worry blinded you to your new belonging. You look inside and find 15 pockets. With a sigh you begin putting the berries in the first pocket 'Why isn't this full yet?' You wonder, putting the 15th berry in. Out of curiosity you open the bag again and stick your hand into the first pocket opening pulling it back gently. You keep pulling, and pulling, and pulling, until the opening has stretched big enough to fit your head!


Then you put your other arm in and reach. You feel the berries and by proxy the bottom of the bag. Okay, that's normal at least. But what about the empty ones?

You check the second pocket and reach. And reach, and reach, until you're up to your shoulder in bottomless bag.

"Weeiiirrrd" you stretch the word retracting your arm from the bag. You stuff the rest of your items into the pockets, sorting as you go. Inventory management is important, if you catch my drift.

Once you're finished you look up again to the world around you, quickly you glance around finding a, hopefully safe, clearing for the night. You hurry over and set to work making a camp fire.

Or you would if you had logs...
You smack your head "how can I even get logs without an ax?" "...Wait a minuet, hold up." You've got sharp stuff in your bag!

"Duh.." you shrug gesturing forward. In a hurry you rip out a piece of flint and a stick, and carve a hole to wedge the piece into place "Yes!" You rush to the nearest tree, it's small, but it'll work. You hack away quick as you can.
You've read there were things in the dark, changelings, banshees, the drows, and more. All too often you've been told they aren't real, yet you had trouble sleeping just as much. You feared the dark, feared the death it brought in stories, and you were certain you that did not want to get caught in it. So with your arms now carrying three logs you hurry to the clearing and start clicking the little flame to life. "C'mon....c'mon...." It sparks and grows slowly, just as night falls. "That was close, too close..."

The fire does it's job, and for the first time since you got here you feel yourself relax, just a little. In the light there's no threat of monsters, in the light you are safe and warm, in the light you can breathe. You would take this moment to fall asleep, but someone has to tend the fire. It's very small and with one extra log you need to make it count...

•  •  •

With a small meal of carrots and berries taken care of you look up to the sky.  You scan above for Orion or the Dippers but you can't seem to find them. Or any other constellations for that matter. The stars here are entirely different from the ones at home. There isn't a single constellation you recognize. Still, there are similarities. The small galaxy swimming its way across the sky, clusters of stars, and others spread far apart. An inconsistent cacophony of gentle lights.
Maybe you could form your own constellations, make up stories about how they got there. In this hell the stars above could be a safe haven...

Maybe this place really is a chance for a new beginning. It isn't what you were expecting, but maybe the tall man wasn't entirely lying...

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