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I drove to Graysons house. I got out of the car and went in.

"Grayson?" I yelled looking around

I went to his room and saw nothing. So I went to look in his spare room and opened the door.

"Oh my god" I said taking a step back

Grayson walked towards me.

"Grayson, stay back" I yelled

Kylie,Kylie call down before the "people" hear you.

He didn't have to tell me twice
I stood there in shock

I thought you said you were gonna take him to the police

I couldn't, after E knew something was up with you I knew he'd get people to come here.
They have been here all night, meaning I've had to keep josh here with me...

Oh my god

Grayson: let's goto my room and talk for a second

Grayson took my hand and pulled me to his room

Please explain I said confused and shocked

"E knows something's up Kylie" Grayson said as we sat in his bed

Kylie: what do you mean?

Grayson: E know something was wrong last night. He knew you were lying to him about your sister

Kylie: what? How?

Grayson: he said you never cry about your sister you only ever are happy when you talk about her

Kylie: sh*t

Grayson: yeah I know. I don't know how we're gonna get out of this one

Kylie: can I see the messages?

I wanted to see the messages. I felt like if I saw them... I'd know It was true.

Grayson: yeah

Grayson handed me his phone and left the room to see josh.


What's going on with Kylie?

Nothing I don't think why?

E: she told me she wasn't crying when she was. She told me she was tired when she wasn't and she told me she was on her period when I know she ain't.

Grayson: oh weird.

E: yeah and then she told me she was missing her sister but she has never cried over her.

Grayson: oh I'll talk to her tomorrow

E: okay night bro

Grayson: oh and when are you going to tell her we're related?

E: idk night tho

Grayson: night


Kylie: Grayson?

Grayson: yeah

Kylie: come here

Grayson: okay

"are you and E related" I said holding his phone in my hands

Grayson: oh sh*t you weren't meant to see that I completely forgot about it

Kylie: Grayson can you tell me the truth?

Grayson: I—

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