*Not Edited*
Steve and I rushed to the attic where the necklace was supposed to be.I know weird but the attic was the least expected place to go in our house since it was the scariest.We tried to find traces of the thief but to no avail.
"Hey look what I found!"Steve said .
I went to see where he was pointing.Th window pane was broken and there were traces of blood on the broken edges.
"Let's call the police" he said,taking out his phone.
"No wait don't.Let's find a way to know about this person who stole and try it recover it from him."
I suggested.
"Buet it's too dangerous.He just stole the necklace right now .He could've killed us too.!" he said.
I made the machine in my mind run.The thief was someone we knew.He must have come to our house as a guest,since many of dad's friends come time to time when dad and mom are present.Dad happily flaunts his wine collection and of course mom her jewellery.
Ashley | Thief
2 | 0
I tried thinking.The thief was poor .Well that was obvious.But how would he know about the attic since none of dad's friends were poor?It was simple but complicated . This seemed interesting to me.
I begged and bribed Steve to not tell the police.I was feeling like Sherlock Holmes .I had always dreamt of being a detective when I was younger .
I opened my laptop and tried to search for a blood indicator online.I finally found one and ordered it immidiately .The delivery guy came and gave me the indicator.He didn't leave because he said he needed to know the purpose of using the indicator.I said,"Oh well umm my .....my brother needs to get his blood tested.Yeah he needs to.So thank you"I said and slammed the door on his face.
I set to work.
I put a few drops of the blood on the indicator and attached it to my Macbook.The process began and I found that the blood belonged to some person named Jack Stellar.Wierd.That name didn't ring any bells and thus I finally decided to leave the.matter in the hands of the police.
I left the attic,leaving all the police matter in the hands of Steve .I went to my room and started working on my assignment.
No sooner had I started writing a few words that my phone screen lit up indicating I had a new message.Well who would think pf messaging me at seven in the evening.I clicked it open and the next few words were enough to make me freeze.Chills ran down my spine and I felt like suffocating.
I am coming , Babe:))xx
Sorry that this chapter is so short.I will try to update again okay?Sure.
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FanfictionThis story is about a fifteen year old girl Ashley who has a normal life .She is cheerful,funny,happy,cool you name it.But what loes behind those faces is a girl unknown,a girl so broken mentally, that behaving that way is her only option. Meet Harr...