𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗; 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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"Tommy?," Peter asked, just to know that his suspicions were true and that he didn't just pretend that the man laying at his feet, was the person they've been waiting for.

"Peter!" Tommy pulled him in a strong hug, happy to finally see someone he knows, someone he had known for a very long time. Mister Dawson was waving at the soldier from behind the wheel and had a very bright smile on his face, the young man waved back at him.

"You stay here." Peter jumped on his feet and fastly brushed his hairs in place, a loose strand that had fallen now again laying with the rest. He rushed inside the companionway and ran down the small stairs, still cautious so that he wouldn't slip over the oil that the soldiers brought inside. Mary was talking to a soldier and handed out vests to the men that weren't wearing one, caring about their safety.

"You – you have to come with me."

"Pete, I am helping these men. Just wait a second, I'll get to you in a minute," she said, not looking at him but still at the different soldiers that wanted to have a small chat or just were pleased to thank her for the support.

"They can wait, I can't."

"Is everything okay with you?" Mary believed something bad might have happened and she didn't know how much bad news she could take. Her emotions were all over the place, the sadness she felt for George but also the adrenaline she has from saving these soldiers exploded in her mind.

"Just follow me." She nodded fastly at her brother and gave a pack of vests to one of younger soldiers on this boat, telling the boy to hand them out to the others. Peter grabbed her hand in his and ran back upstairs, dragging his sister behind him. His heartbeat went rather fast, not from exhaustion, but from excitement. Excited that he was able to reunite them again, long before they thought was possible.

They set their first step on deck and the young lady stopped. Her eyes went wide and tears started to fall down her cheeks. She saw him there, talking with the pilot they had rescued that day. He stood there, breathing, his heart beating in his chest. He was alive, she was finally sure that he was alive.


She ran as fast as she could and jumped in his arms, the men around them cheering for their happiness. Tommy twirled her around in the air, the fabric of her long dress floating with every movement. They laughed together, bodies filled with joy and relief. Mary's eyes were glassy, she didn't want to cry, she wanted to be happy. But for some reason, all the loneliness and sadness she felt during the last couple of months, fell down on her and made her spill the tears.

"Don't you ever dare leaving me like that again," she sobbed in his embrace, sadly repeating the sentence over and over again, until she became crazy of the thought. Tommy stroked through her long hairs and shushed her, assuring her that he wasn't going back. They were going home, together. Not one of them had to live without the other, it was now them. The real person and not just the pictures they shared.

Tommy didn't want his Mary to cry, not for him. She should smile and laugh, dance around to her favorite music and sing with the songs. No worry in the world was worth her tears, nothing was allowed to make her sad. That's what he believed, that's why he fought. To stop the war from breaking her spirit. To stop the fights from tearing her apart.

The soldiers around the couple couldn't look at the crying lady, only seeing their own wife or girlfriend in such an immense pain due to loss and the lack of information or contact. This pair showed how everyone in war felt, heartbroken that they had to let go of the other. The women had to allow their men to go and fight, possibly die for the country. The men had to go, ready to get slaughtered so that their partner would live in a safer world. If they would get reunited after this long time, they would notice how much the other changed because of trauma, trauma's no one could've prevented.

"Love, I am ruining your white dress," Tommy stated, pointing at the dark spots coming from the oil he was covered in. It looked so great on her, it was one of his favorite outfits on her. Whenever she wore this particular ensemble, he would see the sun in her. She shined and glowed so beautifully, just like a warm summer day.

"I don't care about this stupid dress."

She rested her hands on his cheeks and pushed his face closer, placing a kiss on his chapped lips. It was a strong kiss, a kiss that had to replace those months they've lived away from each other. A kiss that had to blow away those sleepless nights of pure sadness and loneliness. Tommy could feel her smile against his lips. There were no more tears running over her cheeks and he wiped the ones away that had already fallen.

"How come you are here?"

"I had to, I couldn't let my dad and brother go without me. The guilt would be too big if something terrible must've happened to them or to you. I knew who were going to safe, British soldiers trying to return back home, you were one of the 400 000. So, I thought that maybe, in some way, we would be able to rescue you" Tommy had one hand against her neck and his other brushed over her the sleeve of her dress. Mary embraced him with both her arms, not letting go of him after all this time of only letters and news in the papers.

"You knew how dangerous it was."

"Well you can't expect me to do nothing while you are out there, risking your life." 

Her head went up and she stared into his dark brown eyes, almost getting hypnotized by the love that rested in the pupils. He had a smile on his face, an expression that just appeared, he didn't have to force it. He was in love and he always smiled at the people he loved. 

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