𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗; 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎

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"Are you sure we don't have to go with you?"

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"Are you sure we don't have to go with you?"

"I'm just going home, Char. Nothing will happen to me. Besides, you need to stay here with your family. You wouldn't want to leave them right now, with the war and everything."

Mary broke the embracement between her and the brunette, wiped away a fallen tear rolling over Charlotte's cheek and pushed a smile on her friend's lips. She then walked past her and held Alex in a strong hug. She thanked him for meaning so much to her and Tommy, thanking him for being such a great friend in the darkest times of both their lives. He stayed with Tommy through Dunkirk and with Mary through her grieving process.

"Take care of yourself , Alex and don't let your father tell you to join the army. I know you don't want to and you have all the right stay here. You're safe, he should appreciate that," the blonde whispered in his ears while standing on her toes.

"You'll visit us, right?"

"If I am allowed than yes of course I will."

Mary grabbed her brown and old suitcase in her hands and put the hat she held on top of her head. It was the same white hat she whore when leaving England for her adventure in Dunkirk, an adventure she will forget.

"Don't be so silly, Mar. Why wouldn't you be welcome?," Charlotte asked with a laugh.

"The door will be open for you. But please, don't wait for too long to come back. You're my best friend, I don't want to miss you."

"Charlotte, you know you shouldn't expect me back too fast, right? I want to be at home when Peter comes back and I don't know how long this war will last but I doesn't seem like the end is near."

Mary gave the two sibling a last kiss on the cheeks before rushing to the large train waiting in the station. A small crown already making their way to the vehicle. Soldier on their way to the war were on the train with her. It was another hit for Mary, another hit with the reality and with her pain.

The young girl placed the suitcase on the seat next to her, a sleeping man in uniform sitting on the other side of the four seat. Mary took of her jacket and rested her feet next to her luggage, staring outside at her two friends waving with bright smiles on their faces. They waited for the train to leave before they walked out of the station, their lives starting again, a chapter over and a new one to begin.

Mary stared at sleeping person in front of her, she only recognized Tommy in the clothes. The man had the same color of hairs, but they were shorter since he went to the war and didn't return. His face had a different structure, but her brain played games with the grieving girl, flashes of Tommy resting there glancing in front of her brown eyes. Mary closed them and rested her head against the window, drifting of in a much needed sleep.

"Peter, you are home already?" Mary's suitcase fell out of her hands when her younger brother opened the door of her old home.

"I had hoped you'd sound a bit happier when you would see me," he laughed.

"I am really happy, I missed you! I just didn't expect you here today."

"Well an one handed soldier doesn't serve to much purpose anymore in the war." Peter showed his partly useless sleeve hanging over the abrupt stop of where his hand had been cut off. Mary's eyes widened in shock and her fingers covered her mouth, trying to hide the large gasp escaping her lips. She pulled her brother in a strong hug and brushed softly through his short blond hairs.

"Pete, I am so sorry."

"No no, don't be. It's much better here than in France. I'd rather live with one hand than not survive at all .It's weird, but I'm getting used to it now." Peter noticed how the smile on his sister's face fell in a sad frown and he slapped himself fastly before apologizing for being so stupid.

"I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry. Well I'm sure Tommy's fine."

Mary started shaking with her head and buried her nose in his chest, trying to force herself not to cry again. Trying to tell herself that she had grieved enough, that she shouldn't be so sad about it anymore.

"Tommy's death," she whispered while swallowing her tears.

"I've got the letter not so long ago. It wasn't as personal as Jack's but it said the same thing. Killed by the enemy while fighting a brave fight. Dying for a good cause, that's what they try to tell you. But I don't believe it anymore. There is no good cause in war, only pain and death."

"And was there any other information that you've got?"

"No, only the gift I've given him the day he left. I guess there was nothing else they could send a lonely woman."

Peter kissed the top of her hair and rocked her from side to side while listening to the feelings she was accepting and showing, not hiding in her own heart and head.

"You've been through so much Mary, I was really praying that they wouldn't take Tommy away from you as well."

"I still have my little brother and my parents. I've found amazing friends that helped me so much. I have the great memories of Jack, Tommy and George. I'm grateful for them and for having you. You're not alone, I know I'm not. What more do we want?," she asked with the sparkle in her eyes.

"You are so right," Peter said through his large smile, thinking about the memories he has with all of them. His childhood with his brother Jack, his school life with George and the brother like bond he had with Tommy. Those were some amazing friendships and he is so happy that has known friendships like that.

"And what now?," he asked while allowing her to walk inside and start feeling at home again.

"I had hoped you'd know because I have no idea what my future will hold."

"I guess that's the next chapter of our life then. Growing again from what the war has broken, learning how to live with it. A future full of great things, only great things. I believe in you, Mary. I believe that you'll find your future and I know that they believe in you as well. Jack has said it to me how proud he was of his little sister. George told me how happy he was that you helped him, that you showed him friendship and adoration. Tommy told me how much he loved you and how he'll always love, even if he wouldn't be here anymore."

"Well, then I'll do it for them," Mary promised.

"And I'll stand by your side."

The end

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