you are going on an exchange trip with your friends and are supposed to stay with a girl named IU but with a turn of events you are stuck with this weird boy for the next fifteen days and you have to attend all kinds of school events with him and th...
"listen I know that on trips like these opposite genders are not allowed to stay together but there are no other girls willing to keep you with them for fifteen days and so we have made an exception and we allow you."
you had so many thoughts in your mind but nothing came out of your mouth. It would have been better if they had told you to return will you tell your parents about this? you know how they felt about you and boys.but as ma'am said there was no other option.
"okay who is this guy?"
"see for your self he is standing right there."she pointed towards a group of boys who were standing in a circle.
you made your way towards them.
"um... excuse me which one of you is my exchange partner?"
A boy raised his hand,"that would be me." he said ina raspy and bored voice.
the other boys started giggling around had a strong feeling that they were laughing at I looking that bad? you said to yourself. you were not good at hiding your emotions and against your will your face gave a mixed expression of sadness and confusion.
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one of the giggling guys stopped and said,"Please don't mind us we are not laughing at you...actually, honestly telling you, my friend here who is about to take you home is actually being forced as one of our friends gave him a dare to accept the open request for anyone to take you in before you even arrived. and not surprisingly he accepted and this happened. by the way my name is Jungkook."
So I'm being taken home by someone on a ...dare?Jungkook's word hit you like lightening even when you knew that he was just being polite and telling you the truth.
"okay, enough of briefing..lets go." he looked at you up and down"...girl."