51 The Most Trendy Wedding Themes In 2019 For Each Taste

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  Settling on a wedding theme can be one of the more difficult tasks when planning a wedding. But it may just be the most critical – all other decisions stem from your theme – as well as the most fun!
Once you've made your selection, everything else seems to just fall in place. Your venue, floral arrangements, bridesmaids dresses, and everything else will feel natural and easy.
Before that can happen, you need some help! Obviously, you're on this page because you want help with How To, and you need some inspiration. We have tons of both! Click through some great ideas and how to do decide if they're perfect for you.  

So what exactly are the wedding themes?

It's an idea or concept that flows throughout the events and ceremonies. This can be as simple as your favorite color or a song. Or as specific as the styles of your favorite decade or movie.

How to pick a wedding theme?

There are just a few simple concepts to keep in mind:

It should be easily recognized by your guests. If it's too obscure and your guests have to ask what the theme is, you've missed the mark.It should be personal. Your guests should walk into your event thinking "This is SO (your name)".It should stand out. Even if you're so in love with Harry Potter, if it's the 5th HP themed wedding your guests attend this Spring it may not get the full appreciation it deserves.1. Best Vintage Wedding Themes

Some of the best wedding theme ideas come from eras gone by. Certain periods of time are romantic, exotic, and visually stunning. Or, maybe you just feel like you were born in the wrong decade or like you you've been reincarnated and have lived your best life in a particular time period.
Either way, you shouldn't choose a vintage wedding theme just because it looks pretty. You should choose a vintage theme because you connect with it for your own personal reasons.

See more on Wedding Forward blog!

51 The Most Trendy Wedding Themes In 2019 For Each TasteWhere stories live. Discover now