▪ q u e s t i o n || m.yg

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26. If you have one question for someone, what would it be?

For Jimin. I would as if he would be would be my boyfriend. If timepermits, I would really ask him that. I don't even know until when do I keep myfeelings for him as a secret. By the way, not too long ago, Hoseok knew that Ihave something for Jimin. He peeked on what I'm doing since he got too curious.He did not judge me though and I thank him for that. He advised me that Ishould man up and tell Jimin how much I love him but I think it's not the righttime yet. I don't know when but one of these days, I'm really going to tellJimin that I love him and he means so much to me. I just hope that my tonguewouldn't back out and wouldn't pretend that it was got by a cat.    

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