IV• Grumpy Mornings

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Cecilia had her head resting on her crossed arms, leaning onto the hard wood of the Gryffindor table. She felt complete and utterly defeated, wanting nothing more than to crawl back into her bed up in the girls dorms.

Kristen, on the other hand, was sat straight up, looking as gorgeous and lively as ever. The only difference to her usual morning self was, instead of a bright smile, her mouth was open in disbelief.

'You, an actual Gryffindor, fancy a Slytherin?'  She hissed across the table. 'That's absurd! Sinful almost!'

'I know. I know!' Cecilia groaned, lifting her head from the table. 'I can't help it! And I hate myself for it!'

Kristen stayed silent. She spooned some sugar into her coffee, stirring it while she thought to herself.

Cecilia sighed, looking past her friend and at the other tables. Her eyes landed on the main topic of their morning conversation. Regulus was listening to his friend, who Cecilia knew as Dirk Cresswell, speaking while he drank something out of a large mug. She was basically obsessing over a boy she had barely spoken to; a boy she didn't know existed until a few weeks ago. How hadn't she ever noticed him before?

Maybe because you've been sleeping around with every other guy in this damn school, her subconscious reminded her bitterly.

'You're staring.' Kristen commented, causing Cecilia to break out of her daze.

Cecilia groaned, grabbing a fistful of her brown hair in frustration. 'I want to kill him.' She mumbled, glancing over at the Slytherin table once again.

'Or you could ask him out.' Kristen replied after a moment of silence. 'You're Cecilia Gryffindor. I doubt he would reject you.'

Cecilia looked at her best friend in confusion. 'What's with the change of opinion? You thought I was crazy a few seconds ago!'

'I was taken by surprise a few seconds ago,' Kristen defended herself. 'Now that I've had a chance to think about it, I fully support it.'

'But he's a Slytherin.' Cecilia tried to convince both herself and her friend. 'He's meant to be our enemy!'

Kristen crossed her arms and rolled her blue eyes. 'Don't be so dramatic, Lia,' She drawled. 'Just picture it. A forbidden romance between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.'

Cecilai shushed her. 'Could you be quiet? If anyone found out about this, I think I'd die of embarrassment!'

'It's my job to embarrass you, hun.' Kristen smirked, taking a sip of her coffee.

Cecilia moaned, pushing her own coffee away from her. 'When's the next party?'

'You can't just drink your problems away.'

Cecilia scowled. 'Um- Yes I can and I will. When's the next party?' She repeated.

Kristen shook her head in amusement. 'You know Peter Anderson?'

'That Ravenclaw you're in love with?' Cecilia leered.

'I'm not in love with him,' Kristen declares loudly. 'Anyway, his birthday is coming up-'

'You would obviously know that.'

'And he will, most likely, have a party.' Kristen continued quickly. 'Then you can drink as much as you want.'

Cecilia smiled. 'You know me so well.'

'It's my greatest talent.'

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