I Wish

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The stars twinkled as I viewed them with my light blue orbs glistening with tears. Beneath me I could feel the wet grass soak my shirt, but I was too mesmerized to let it drive my attention. Lying here, under the blanket of night sky decorated with twinkling stars, I felt comfortable.

I was welcomed with a wave of cool breeze sweeping away my tears. I smiled at the thought of someone wiping them away, even though I longed for him to do it. The smile that had crept on my face quickly faded as I realized how desperate I was. Desperate for his warm embrace, that would make me feel secure. Desperate for his attention, that would make me feel special. Desperate for that slight brushing of his lips against my forehead as he would say Good Night. I closed my eyes, imagining him cuddling me in his arms. My eyes fluttered open as a loud voice made my ears perk.

"Miranda!" I heard Julie scream at the top of her lungs. I shook away the thoughts wandering in my head and started walking towards the front door. It had been one whole hour since I had been lying on the wet grass, crying over my fate.

"Thanks Daddy!" Jason, my little brother, screamed with excitement.

I entered the lounge just to see Jason cuddled across his chest. Tears escaped my eyelids as I realized that I wont ever be able to make him smile with my presence.

"No problem, son." He smiled at him.

Oh, how soothing his voice was. It could wash away the pains that had stung my heart. I stood at the door watching what it was like to have a loving father who would show his love and care for you, every now and then. With presents or just the hugs and the kisses he would plant on your forehead. I never got to feel what it was like to have piggyback rides from him when I was young. I never found him there when I desperately needed someone to listen to my own thoughts. What was my fault that made him so harsh and cold towards me?

"What are you doing standing over there? I think I just..." Julie's scolding voice entered my ear and I was drifted away from my thoughts.

I wiped my eyes, trying hard not to let her see me crying. I wasn't that kind of girl who cried way too easily instead I felt embarassed if someone ever caught me crying in the locker room or somewhere else.

"Wait! Sweetheart are you crying?" Julie said, worry and concern flashing in her eyes.

Suddenly I felt three pairs of eyes on me. I turned around and started walking upstairs, towards my room. How many more times do I have to walk away from them? My eyes met the beautiful picture hanging on the wall. Her blue eyes, just like mine, shone with pride and respect. Her lips were curved into a small yet breathtaking smile. At one corner it was written "ANNE GRAY (1970- 1997)" She was beautiful.

I lifted my head and noticed that it was half past twelve. Within ten minutes, I was lying on my bed looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.


"MIRANDA GRAY! Wake up this instant or else you are going to be grounded for the rest of your life." Julie shouted at me from the closed door.

I nearly fell off the bed hearing her words. Shit! I was going to be late! I hurried to the bathroom, before changing into a sky blue shirt and a pair of black jeans. I shoved a sandwitch in my mouth and ran outside to start my red convertable.


"Umm. Sorry I'm late!" I mumbled, handing the pass to Mr. Smith who was eyeing me suspiciously.

"Take a seat, Miss Gray" He said pointing towards the far corner, where I could see someone sitting with an empty chair beside him. This wasn't just someone! It was the oh so famous Darren McKingsly, who had a crowd of girls drooling over him.

He smirked as I walked towards the only empty seat beside him. As soon as I sat down I opened the Mathematics book and pretended to be focusing on what Mr. Smith had started saying, although I didn't hear a word he said

"Hey Babe!" His smirk grew wider and I fought the urge to slap him across his face. Why is it that I always attract douche bags .

"DONT CALL ME BABE!" I growled at him, before turning to find Mr. Smith looking at us from across the room. He was glaring at us with his tiny green eyes filled with anger. Uh-Oh I'm so going to get a detention and the worse part is with Darren!

"Miss. Gray and Mr. Mckingsley, I hope I'm not disturbing your little chat. Am I?" He said through gritted teeth.

I was about to start with my long paragraph of apology when someone broke the silence.

"Actually you are!"

I turned around to see the corners of the jerk's mouth curved up into a huge grin. I shot him a disgusted look and started apologizing to Mr.Smith but to no avail.

"You may leave!" He shouted as Darren nearly dragged me out of the class. As soon as I was outside I slapped his hand making him smile like an idiot.

"What? You were the one who growled at me!" He smirked

"Oh! Well you were the one who opened that bloody mouth of yours" I said copying his tone.

I picked up my bag that was lying on the floor and started walking towards my locker. I was about to open it when a someone grabbed my wrists and slammed me on the locker. A wave of pain rushed through my arm as he started twisting it.

"Owww. Stop it!"

I shouted with pain and to my relief he let go with a loud noise. I turned around and saw Darren on top of someone pinning him to the ground.

"DONT EVER TOUCH HER!" He growled with anger twisting the unknown person's hand. He screamed with pain and ran off as soon as Darren released him, without showing me his face.

"WOAHH! What was that? I asked with a confused expression plastered on my face.

"Nothing" He looked at me and I noticed the smirk again growing on his face. God! He was unpredictable!

The whole day passed in a blur and I threw my books in the locker. I walked towards my car and to my surprise it didn't start. I tried several times until I heard a knock on my window. I glanced and my gaze locked with him. His blue eyes seemed to hold a lot more than he lets people believe. It was as if they were shielding a dark secret. He looked away and my cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment.

"So, i was thinking, if this piece of crap doesn't work then I can give you a ride home."

He looked at me demanding an answer. I glanced towards my car and wondered if it would work or not.

"Dont worry I'll send a mehanic and get this fixed up."

He added with a smile.I glanced at him, with a confused look on my face.  Why does it even matter to him? 

I advanced towards the silver car across the parking lot. I could see the jealousy clear on every girl's face standing nearby. I don't know why but it felt good to see someone in my place, craving for something i had. Darren moved forward and held the door open for me leaving me astonished. Aha! Being a gentleman? Where did that high school bad boy reputation go?

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