Chapter 2

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"GET OUT right now" He gritted his teeth. I looked into his blue eyes which were turning cold. He flared at me and thousand questions rose in my mind. I fought the tears that welled up in my eyes. After a few moments I was standing on the side of the road, heart racing as the silver car strode away. I felt like an unwanted plastic bag that you would use and than just throw away without hesitation. I gazed at the back of the car that was rapidly disappearing in the thick fog. I wrapped my arms around me as the cold chilled me to the bone. Staring at nothing but the silent road, I realised that he was not going to come back. I wiped a tear that was rolling down my cheek. Still lost in my thoughts, I started walking as if I knew where I was going but does that even matter? I just wanted to get away from this cruel world that would destroy even the single ray of light it seeks. I felt my heart clench as I thought what happened just few minutes before



We drove in silence, long comfortable silence, but not for too long because as soon as I had started to enjoy it, "One More Night" blasted my ears. I glared at him in disbelief.

"What?" he asked making a puppy dog face which he knew no one could resist.

I ignored his gaze and started fidgeting with my cell phone. The car took a sharp turn and I landed on Darren's shoulder. For a moment we remained in the same posture. "This Girl" started playing in the background.

My head rested on his shoulder and I could feel his intense gaze.

"Theres this girl.. One and only wonder of this world, my world and it don't matter if the road gets rough, if me rich or poor. She stay down with me if me go to war.. My girl"

A blush crept to my face as I averted my gaze. I moved away from him adjusting my clothes. He ran his hand through his hair nervously.

I noticed something lying under my feet.I picked it up thinking it must have fallen off from somewhere. It was a photograph of two boys, both had golden hair , and blue eyes. Their lips were curved into a huge grin and they had their arms around each other's shoulder. They were identical. At the back it was written in italics "Darren and Jared". I gaped at the photograph, both of them resembled Darren but he looked quite young. Maybe the other boy was his brother. He has a brother? I mean I've never seen him around. I mentally slapped myself for asking such a ridiculous question. What am I? His girlfriend? How am I supposed to know about his brother. I was still lost in my own questions when I felt a cold hand grab my arm. I startled and he loosened his grip.

"Are you alright?" he offered me a smile.

"Yeah.. What happened?"

"Umm.. You were spacing out" A look of confusion passed his face.

"Oh erm.. Sorry!" I mumbled.

I plucked up courage and just spitted out the words that had been choking me to death. The curiousity was building up as time passed by.

"Darren?" I said avoiding eye contact because that would eventually make me nervous. I calmed myself. Cmon its not as if Im asking him if he murdered someone.

"Yes?" his voice broke the silence.

"Erm.. Is this your brother?" I managed to get the words out of my mouth but as soon as they escaped I regretted it.


"Brother". My heart stopped. how did she know? I mean, she knows my secret. Oh! she probably hates me now. Memories flashed in my mind, memories of my painful past. She hesitantly placed her hand on mine, her eyes pleading for an answer. I looked at her puzzled. Why wasn't she leaving, i mean she hates me now and what's the use of playing around. I knew she was one of them, who looked upon me as a criminal. Why don't they understand? I have to get away from her. I can't let her control me as if im a toy or something. Anger raged inside me as I told her to get out.

My heart melted at the sight of her eyes glistening with tears. But this was the only way. My heart was the same but I could feel myself turning into a beast. Her face was filled with grief and confusion as I nearly shoved her out of the car. Is she hurt? Thanks to the black mirrors she could not see me. I leaned forward and watched her lying at the end of the road as helpless as ever. Some part of me wanted to kill myself for doing such an inhumane thing but the stubborn part took over and I drove as fast as I could to get away from everything.


I walked along the road wanting to disappear in the fog. Suddenly there was a clap of thunder. Is it going to rain? No way! I mean could this day get any worse? And as if my question had just been answered I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and gaped at the figure standing in front of me. Should I be shocked or surprised?


Hey guys!! Hope u all r fine.. Im so sorry fr the long wait.. Plz dnt hate me.. Hope u liked the chapter.. Love u all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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