Chapter 4

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I woke up with the sound of people screaming their heads off and honestly being very disoriented. I knew that I had asked Klaus to turn me into a hybrid and he was my mate but things were just going so fast and I was confused. All of a sudden people burst through the door coming at me. I instantly showed them my hybrid face in self defense. They back away a bit, but what I was worried about was that I didn't see Klaus. I decided to speak."Where is Klaus?"
Everyone looked a little shocked but also smug. Damon was the first to speak up. "Don't worry you won't have to see him anytime soon,your welcome."
Before anyone could register I had pinned Damon up to the wall by his throat."Where is he? I'm not going to ask again" letting my hybrid eyes show. Elena was the next brave souls to speak,"Why do you want to know where he is he killed you for God sake shouldn't you be pissed!?!?!"
"No Elena, I shouldn't Klaus only turned me because I asked him to and I want to know where he is because he is my mate so if any of you keep him from me I will rip your hearts out."
Stefan and Damon both shared a look of fear and realization, Stefan spoke as Damon was a little pre-occupied up on the wall with my hand on his throat.
"Okay Bella will tell you where he is"
Everyone was shocked and pissed.
"What!?!!", They all said in unison.
Damon motioned to speak so I let him go still ready to snap his neck.
"Guys if what she said is right and she really is Klaus's mate he will kill all of us, the only thing stopping him was bella!"
I had a smug smile on my face. Elena spoke next "A mate? What's that?"
Damon started speaking.
"It's like meeting the only thing that matters, the thing you would kill for and protect with your life. If you get separated it will cause pain for both mates." As he said that I fell to the floor in agony knowing Klaus was in the same."y'all better tell me where he is, if not your all gonna die"
Stefan spoke
"Alright he is at his house but his brother Elijah is there and doesn't know what's wrong with him only that he changed you and he is not to happy about it, the house is on the edge of town can't miss it. It's a mansion." I ran out of the house without a second thought getting to the house in record time hearing the screams of my mate.
"Klaus" I whispered.
I opened the door and rushed into a room full of paintings and saw my love and I'm guessing his brother.
"Isabella? Why are you here?"
"Please let me help, Klaus changed me but the only reason he did was because I asked him to. I wanted to live with him forever we are mates...please."
He hesitantly moved away from his brother and I rushed over without a second to waste.
"Klaus it's me, please look at me"
Klaus had turned to see the only thing that kept him from killing Elena and her friends. He knew her for only an hour or so but he knew he was looking at the love of his life.
"Bella is that really you?"
"Yes, I threatened to kill everyone if they didn't tell me where you were."
"Wow no wonder I'm mated to you, you're feisty."
Elijah looked at us in disbelief and happiness.
"Dearest brother I'm so glad you have finally found your mate and you both seem very similar as well"
"Well Elijah I'm glad you like her she won't be leaving anytime soon.
"He smiled at me and then kissed my lips, I had heard Elijah leave to give us privacy and me and Klaus definitely needed it.


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