4.) Old Friends Make The Best Enemies

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~Tim (Masky's) POV~
My conversation with Andie made me think. I was so happy that she opened up to me, but her past... If she really was like me, wouldn't that have been the cause of it? Maybe, if I help her get through it, she won't... ruin her innocence. But what if there's something entirely different causing this? I need to stop it.
I was walking back home, dragging the body of my newly hunted victim behind me. Jack needed to eat in order to go back to school, and I needed to kill, so it was the perfect opportunity. Besides, I got to talk to Andie. Jack was right, she does have a different vibe. I need to fix it. I can't let her be like us. I won't.
What if she wants to?
But she could be better than all of us.
I don't care.
Yes you do. You're curious.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
My mental conversation with Him was not working out in my favor, so I decided to stop. I was running through the woods, kind of weighed down by the body, but still. I need to worry about my surroundings. A few minutes later, I saw the cabin, with Jack waiting by the window. Anyone else would've turned back screaming that there's a demon in the house. But I'm not like them.
"Jack!" He turned and looked at me, but he didn't look happy. Did I get someone he doesn't want? Is he suddenly picky? I dragged the body inside the house, Jack still looking outside. "Hey blue face, what's up?" I asked, a little concerned. Did someone follow me here? "Dude, what it is?" I asked, throwing the body down the shoot that went to the cellar. "He's back, and he brought a friend."
The blood in my veins froze, as I stared at my friend with wide eyes. "You don't mean-" "Yes, the Operator is back, along with our white hoodie brother." I struggled with finding something to say because I was still in shock. After all these years, they were finally coming back, but it wasn't for Jack and I like I thought it would be. "W-why?" I dreaded the question, in fear I already knew the answer.
"Well, Jeff needs to hunt, and Slendy knows something's up over here." I frowned in confusion. It made no sense of how he would know about anything over here. He hasn't seem to notice before. "What does Slendy think is happening?" I asked, still unsure of what to make about the situation. "He can sense the aura of someone like us in the area that isn't us... and he said it's quite powerful, meaning that she's probably super strong like Zalgo. Except, of course, that Zalgo is the very being of evil, whereas this one is probably his spawn or something."
I felt a huge wave of relief. It's not Andie. She's not one of us. "He said the aura is coming from a girl. He also said that Laughing Jack is also in town." I didn't know anyone could go from relief to anger and fear so quickly, but somehow I managed to change in a split second. "Y-you don't think-" "I still think Andie's one of us, and she's probably the aura the Operator's feeling. As for Laughing Jack and Jeff, they'll probably end up killing each other, and anyone in their way."
"Then we have to protect her. She can't get in the way of that, and she still has time for a normal life. S-she will just have to be protected-" "Protected from what, Masky? The Operator? Sure, we could try, but he's a demon, and we're just immortals whose habits ended up deforming them one way or another. But from herself? No. She'd find out eventually, and we're probably going to be the ones she'll hate if we tried to hide it from her. I'll wait until she comes to the conclusion herself, but I'm not going to slow that down."
I gave Jack a look, and he sighed. "I won't speed it up either, but I'm just saying. We can't stop the inevitable." I nodded, letting the information sink in. "Does he know it's her?" Jack slowly shook his head, then gave me a sympathetic look. "I know it's hard, Masky. She's so innocent and sweet, it's almost like a nightmare to think that she could be like us. But, maybe it's for the best. Fate is beyond our comprehension, and maybe there's a reason why she's like us. Maybe she's the balance of good and evil in something bigger than ourselves. I personally would rather her be the balance than I. I wouldn't be able to do it, but I know she could."
He turned towards me, and put a hand on my shoulder. "She's strong, Masky. There might be times that she'll need someone, and we'll be there for those times, but otherwise, she's pretty independant, and I know she can survive this. She'll just need something to fight for." He turned to leave, giving me one last look before he took off to the cellar.
I stayed staring out the window, as if the Operator would pop out of the shadows any second. Come out, come out, where ever you are, you white Devil. You're not messing with Andie tonight. I sighed, knowing that singing some ridiculous chant in my head wasn't going to help, and started turning away from the window to text Andie. But as I pulled out my phone, I heard a low growl. Shit. I thought as I looked around to see nothing. "Jack!" I screamed, causing the poor guy to come bolting upstairs.
"What? What is it?" I gulped, trying not to show my fear. "Get ready." "Why?" I looked over at him, and just for a second, showed my fear. "Because Jeff brought his pet dog."

The insanity within security (A creepypasta fanfic) #1Where stories live. Discover now