Shortly after we found out about the audition we realized it took place in Cali (we were neighbors in colorado). It was summer break so I didn't have to worry about school, so we rushed to my mom and begged her if we could go alone together.
"We promise we'll have our phone with us at all times!"
"No we will not go on a giant shopping spree and max out our credit cards!" After what seemed like forever she finally agreed. So all three of us looked at Southwest Airlines for the first flight to cali( the first one was leaving in 20 min so we decided to go to the one tomorrow at 11am)
We spent almost the whole night packing for just a week. Then we talked all about our trip as we slowly fell asleep on the couch.
The next day we woke up super early, ate some coco pebbles and headed out the door.
The drive to the airport seemed extra long but we finally got there. We gave our parents hugs and kisses and headed to check in and go through security. What's nice about Nico is that he isn't that famous. So there were no crazy Fangirls or security guards letting us go first in line or even a 1st class ticket. Everything was perfect, perfectly normal.
We got on the plane and were seated in the back (since we didn't get our tickets till last night). Almost instantly I feel asleep on his shoulder.