Yuuri Katsuki(Nikiforov):

21 1 0

~Uke ( Unless he's Eros Yuuri)

~ Owns a scrapbook full of posters and pictures of Victor

~ Ultimate mom

~ Has a part-time job as an ice skating teacher at Ice Castle

~ "Move I'm gay"

~ Was the one who suggested that he and Victor adopt Yuri Plisetsky

~ Neck fetish 

~ Sleeps on the left side of the bed, if not, Victor's chest

~ Afternoon person

~ Actually dreams of owning a hamster 

~ Likes tea

~ A bisexual icon 

~ Has become a mentor to Minami Kenjirou  

~ Extremely flexibl

~ Could be a full-time pole dancer ( but probably won't )

~ Somewhat prefers Pirozhki over Katsudon 

~ Is now fluent in Russian

~ Prefers Harry Potter over Percy Jackson 

~ Can now perfectly replicate any routine Victor skates

~ Doesn't eat a lot of candy

~ Gryffinclaw

~ Can, break dance, pole dance, and any ballroom dance

~ Learning Thai 

~ Makkachin sometimes prefers him over Victor

~ Can binge watch an entire Netflix show in a day

~ Likes daffodils (because why not) 

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