Hold Me, Momma

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//Happy Birthday Kyrstin! I love you and wanted to write an imagine that I thought you would like, so here you go!

Age: 7 (2021)

Dallas' daughter

Y/N Demetria Lee Winchester


It was too hot, too cold. The world, you, your family, your life. What was going on? You weren't even sure anymore, all you knew is that you felt like shit and your heart was pounding so hard against your chest that you could feel it in your head. And it hurt, it hurt so fucking bad.

"What's going on, you've been in here all day, love bug," Your mom questioned, coming into your room and having to blink away the darkness. All the lights were off, even your beloved lamp which was something completely new to her. If you weren't doing something to feed your obsession with the heat that the lamp was giving off, then there was definitely something wrong. You were almost as obsessed with the damn thing as you were with the sun. And that was really, really saying something. Especially with all the freckles you had from spending hours outside only to fall asleep happily in the sun, somehow never getting sunburnt or even overly tan for that matter. "Did the lamp die?"

"It was hurting my eyes, momma it hurts," you mumbled, reaching for Dallas as she left the door to your bedroom cracked and moved further into the blank darkness. "It' hurts so bad momma, help."

"What can I do to help you, baby?" Dallas questioned, sitting on the bed and placing her cool hand on your warm forehead, muttering something about how hot you felt. 

"I don't know," you cried pitifully, grabbing her hand in your two smaller ones and keeping it against your cheek. The coldness of her hand felt nice against your burning skin.

"Did you take any medicine today?" Dallas questioned, trying to think of where the children's medicine was or if they even had any. 

"Mhm, Aunt Demi gave me some, and then she gave me a chocolate smoothie," you responded. Demi had felt so bad about making you take medicine that she had promised you a treat afterwards, even though it didn't even really taste that bad. 

"How about a cool bath, yeah?" 

"I don't wanna move, it hurts to move," you squeaked, the roughness of your throat morphing your voice, making it sound scratchy and broken. 

"I know, but I promise it'll help, Y/N. Come on, I'll run the bath and you can choose some pajamas to put on afterwards, okay?" Dallas prompted, running her fingers through your mixed blonde hair for a moment as you leaned into the touch. She knew that she needed to find some way to get your fever down before it got any higher, and a cold bath was the only way that she could think of, despite your unhappiness about it.

"Okay," you responded weakly, knowing there was no point in fighting her on it as she would end up making you take a bath anyways to get down your worryingly high fever. 

"Alright, come on, baby girl, the sooner you get up and take a bath the sooner you can get back in bed," Your mother stated softly as she moved to allow you to sit up which you did, stumbling over to the dresser once she had left the room to go start a cold bath.

Looking through the top drawer of the wooden object, you pulled out a pair of cotton shorts that Eddie always said were to short and one of Demi's tour shirts that said Tell Me You Love Me. You had stolen it from her house one day after forgetting to bring a change of clothes and she had let you keep it.

In any other situation, people would think you and Dallas were alone. Your dad was never around, you had only ever seen him a handful of times, but you two were so far from alone. You had a whole army. Grandma D and Aunt Demi and Aunt Mads, Grandpa Eddie, Hell, even Amber was around a lot more than she used to be. And Henri too of course, and Wilmer, even though he and Demi weren't dating anymore. And Uncle Nick. You had a whole army supporting you and your mom, even if you didn't share their last name. 

"Ready?" Your mom questioned, seeing you standing there in sweat soaked clothes, a small yet adorable frown on your face.

You didn't say anything, simply leaning against Dallas and allowing her to kiss the top of your head before she left the room once again and you stripped, easing your way into the icy cold bath. This had to be what torture was like.




"Isn't that Demi's shirt?" Dallas questioned when she saw you standing in her doorway, long. dark blonde hair soaked and hanging in your face as you stood there in Soffe shorts and the black t-shirt.

"She let me keep it," you muttered softly, leaning against the door and shutting your eyes before nearly falling forward in exhaustion.

"Come here, bug," your mom chuckled, noticing the fault evident in your stance. You were actually about to fall asleep still standing simply out of pure exhaustion. "Didn't you sleep all day?"

"'M tired."

"I can tell, come here, Y/N," Dallas responded, shifting over on the bed to make space for you as you shuffled forward and sat on the edge of her bed before leaning your head onto her legs.

"You're getting my leggings wet!" Dallas exclaimed without making any effort to move you as she place one hand against your forehead, sighing in relief when she noticed that your fever had gone down the slightest bit. 

"Feeling any better?" The caramel haired woman questioned, pushing your hair away from your bright blue eyes and kissing the top of your head. 

"No," you whined, shivering slightly due to the air conditioning in Dallas' bedroom.

"What can I do to help you, love?" Your momma asked, repeating the same question from right before she practically forced you into the cold bath. 

"Just hold me, momma."

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