Life isn't Always Fair

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Age: 6 (2003)

Demi's little sister

Y/N Lovato


Fevers had always been one of your least favorite things on this plant. Not that you knew many people who liked being hot and cold, nauseous and dizzy at the same time. But you hated it so bad, and it was very, very obvious to anyone who knew you, which is why you were so confused as to how no one had noticed just how under the weather you felt. Maybe because it was of little baby Madison. It was always about Madison. 

Rolling over, the purple sheets on your bed stuck to your Monsters Inc themed pajamas. You felt so uncomfortable and all you wanted was for your big sisters to come and snuggle with you like they always used to do whenever you were upset or sick or even just bored. But no, they were too busy for anyone besides Maddie now.

Whining softly to yourself at the heat that was radiating from your too soft bed, you grabbed the sheets and your Beauty and the Beast pillow, pulling them to the hardwood floor and curling up in a ball again after making sure to grab your lamp. The cool floor felt nice on your burning skin and despite the fact that mom constantly told you not to touch the lamp, it's hot, Y/N, don't touch it, it brought you the comfort that your sisters weren't here to provide.

"Hey, bug, whatcha doing on the floor?" 

You looked up at the lightly accented voice before looking back down at your lamp and pulling it closer to yourself. "Didn't mom tell you not to touch that lamp?"

You continued to ignore your sister's words, staring at the glowing orb that cast shadows of stars around your room. She ignored you earlier when you tried to hug her earlier. Not now, Y/N, I'm holding Maddie. Aren't you supposed to be taking a nap, anyways? Go lay back down upstairs, yeah? She didn't even notice the pale tint to your skin or how it burned to the touch. She didn't care enough to notice. 

"What's wrong, are you mad at me for something?" The dark haired girl questioned as she came to sit next to you on the hardwood only for you to shove her away bitterly. She didn't want you earlier, you didn't want her now. "Hey, no! We do not hit!"

"Go away," You whined, your voice tired and laced with pain caused by the fever that you were trying to fight off. The fever that your little six year old body was not handling well. 

"Look at me," Dallas ordered, her voice steelier than you had heard in a while. It was the voice she only ever used on you and used to on Demi when she was trying to get you to listen. "You cannot hit people, do you understand me?"

At this point, you were delirious from your raised temperature and pissed at Dallas. Who was she to come in here after pushing you away all day and scold you. Turning away from the sixteen-year-old, you made sure your foot kicked her in the shin as you turned.

"Y/N! Do you seriously want me to go get mom? I came up to ask if you wanted to go get ice cream with Demi and I, but I guess that's a no since you just want to sit here and hit me," Dallas stated, standing up and walking out of the room without so much as a second glance. Why was it that you missed her already. You're mad. You don't miss people who you're mad at. 


"Not right now sweetheart, I've got to put Maddie down for a nap. Speaking of which, isn't it your nap time too. Go lay down upstairs please, yeah? I'm not sure how long it will take for Madison to fall asleep so I don't think I can read to you today." You hadn't wanted her to read to you. You just wanted someone to hold you.

Staying where you were on the cold floor, you simply allowed the tears to roll down your cheeks and absorb into the blanket as you cried silently. Why was it always you who was forgotten? 

You were so wrapped up in your own world that you barely heard anyone coming up the stairs before your mom plopped down in front of you. "What is this I hear about you kicking Dallas, huh. There's a bruise on your leg now. And how many times have I told you the lamp has to stay on the nightstand. You're going to burn your hand again," Dianna stated, pulling the object out of your grasp and setting it on your dresser. "I'm taking it downstairs and you can get it back when you apologize to Dallas and learn to listen."

"No, mama," You groaned, reaching out for her along with the battery charged object, however Dianna was already gone. Just like everyone else.

And then from there you were in and out of sleep, your body trying it's best to fight off the fever and the stomach ache that was accompanying it. 

"Hey, baby, what's going on with you today?" You cracked your green eyes open at the sound of your dad's voice. What was with people and yelling at you today? Why could you never get a break? First Dallas then Dianna and now Eddie.

You ignored him and Eddie frowned, taking in your appearance. For one, you were laying on the floor, despite the hard surface, and your face looked overly flushed. "Are you sick?" He quizzed, placing one hand on your forehead. "You feel really warm. Did mom take your temperature earlier?"

"No, she just took my lamp and, and yelled at me," you muttered, stumbling over your words as you spoke. They were as jumbled as the thoughts in your head.

The man frowned even more at that, wrapping his arms around you and setting you against his hip before exiting the room. Wrapping your legs around Eddie waist, you buried your head into his neck. He may not be your biological father, but you couldn't even remember anything about Patrick besides the days he called your mom a million times or stood outside the house, drunkenly yelling to see his three girls.

Right now, Eddie was your only line of defense against the people downstairs, evil in your mind as they would only yell at you. That was all they ever did since Madison was born, yell and push you away. What the baby so much more important that you always had to come second. That you had to be second best all the time. It wasn't fair. Life isn't always fair, Y/N. You need to learn that. 

"Dianna do we still have children's medicine?" You head your dad ask as he walked into the kitchen, absentmindedly running his fingers through your dark blonde hair. Hair that matched almost exactly the same to your mother's.

"Yeah, why?" You heard your mom quiz, her voice further away than Eddie's, although that was to be expected. 

"Y/N has a fever."

You heard a shuffling sound after that before your mom's soft voice prompting you to look up at her before she sighed, finally noticing the red tint that covered your face. "You don't feel good, baby?" Dianna questioned and you just shook your head before looking back down. You were still mad at her, she took your lamp.

Everything was a bit of an exhausted blur after that, being feed medicine and laid on the couch was all you remembered before Dallas and Demi came home, both laughing hysterically at something before Eddie told them that they had to be quieter due to the fact that you were asleep on the couch. Well, almost asleep.

"Hey, Y/N/N, mom said you could have this back."

You looked up at the sound of your oldest sister's voice, trying to still be mad and failing. After all, who could be mad when you were being given a lamp.

"'hanks," you mumbled, your voice tired and weak as you shifted over on the larger couch, silently inviting the brunette to lay down beside you, which she did, curling up next to you and gently running her hands through your shoulder length hair. And then, your anger was gone. It didn't matter what Maddie was doing or that you had a fever and felt ill. The only thing that mattered was Dallas laying there beside you, the both of you drifting off to sleep.




Author's note: hey everyone, so I haven't really been putting author's notes lately cause I'm never really sure what to say, but I guess I can say that I hope you all enjoyed and tell me any ideas or request if you have them, and as always please vote and comment and tell me what you thought!

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