Chapter 1: Don't Eat That

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The Doctor is obsessed with custard creams. The Reader doesn't exactly approve.

"So! Where do you want to go next?!" the Doctor exclaimed as she danced around the console, moving past Graham and (Y/N) along the way. Yaz and Ryan were staying on Earth for a while, trying to get a bit of normal back into their lives.

"You promised we could see Elvis," Graham said.

"Yes! All in good time, Graham!" the Doctor replied as her hand reached her favourite lever, "One day we will," she pulled the lever down and a custard cream soon appeared from the dispenser.

"You should stop eating those," (Y/N) said, concerned.

The Doctor shrugged as she popped the biscuit into her mouth, "They're delicious, though! Don't ruin the fun!" she smirked as she chewed.

Graham stepped closer, "You do eat too many, Doc."

"Why are you both so against fun?!" she exclaimed before leaning a hand against the console. She quickly pulled the lever again with her other hand, "It's rude to team up."

"Doctor..." (Y/N) said with warning, "Don't."

The sound of the biscuit scraping along the metal dispenser seemed to echo throughout the console room. The Doctor's eyes looked directly into (Y/N)'s before they looked down at the biscuit.

"Doctor," (Y/N) warned again, "I swear."

The blonde alien's hand moved down slowly towards the dispenser, "What you gonna do, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) replied, "I will do... something."

"Yeah, good threat there, (Y/N)," Graham said.

"Shut up," (Y/N) muttered.

The Doctor's hand finally connected with the biscuit, "Just one more."

"No!" (Y/N) exclaimed, "No more! That will be the thirteenth one you've had today!"

(Y/N) watched the Doctor slowly raise her hand towards her mouth, "They taste so good, though."

"If you eat that I will never kiss you again, Doctor," (Y/N) said.

The Doctor's hand froze a few inches away from her mouth. A smirk soon appeared on the blonde's face, "Bad liar."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes you are."

"Why am I even here?" Graham questioned himself.

(Y/N) ignored Graham as she walked towards the Doctor, "Don't. Eat. It."

"You can't stop me."

"Yes I can," (Y/N) assured.

The Doctor smiled, "Go ahead."

All (Y/N) could do was glare at the blonde alien.

"Again. You need to work on your threats, (Y/N)," Graham suggested.

(Y/N) looked over her shoulder back at Graham, "Yes. Thank you, Graham," she looked back at the Doctor.

The grin on the blonde's face grew as she quickly put the biscuit into her mouth. She chewed then swallowed, her eyes remaining on (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N) glared before groaning. She then turned away from the Doctor, the blonde reacted quickly by grabbing her hand, turning her back around. (Y/N) then felt the Doctor's lips upon hers.

They both ignored the annoyed groan come from Graham, followed by footsteps leaving the console room.

All (Y/N) could taste were those stupid custard creams. Were they the only thing she ate?!

She was supposed to be annoyed with the Doctor... But honestly, who could stay annoyed at her for longer than five seconds?

One hand remained in the Doctor's, the other down by her side. She refused to give in to the Doctor. She soon felt the warmth of the Doctor's other hand in her free one.

Just as (Y/N) was finally about to melt into the kiss, the Doctor pulled away, "So... We should really get on with an adventure, right?"

She couldn't stop the smile from appearing on her face as she looked down at the floor, "I hate you."

The Doctor laughed, "I love you, too."

"I hate both of you," they heard Graham mutter as he appeared back in the console room, "I'm thinking it might be best if you drop me off back on Earth."

The Doctor replied, "But what about Elvis?"

Graham was silent for a moment.

"Just Elvis. No killer turtles or any other aliens. No deadly water. No witches," Graham said.

The blonde alien soon put a hand under (Y/N)'s chin, making her look up. She then planted a short but sweet peck upon (Y/N)'s lips, "No promises, Graham!" she exclaimed before pulling away to circle the console once again, pulling levers and pushing buttons along the way.

The Tardis began to shake as the Doctor continued to dance around the console.

She soon arrived back in front of (Y/N), her hand swiftly reached for the famous lever.

"Doctor! No!" (Y/N) said.

The biscuit quickly appeared in the dispenser.

"Fourteen!" the Doctor shouted, triumphantly, grabbing the biscuit.

"No, Doc-"

The Doctor cut (Y/N) off, "We're here! Elvis, here we come!" she ran past (Y/N), grabbing her coat before heading towards the door. As the Tardis came to a halt, she flung the door open.

"Don't you dare eat that, Doctor!"

"What you gonna do? Not kiss me again?!" she winked as she placed the biscuit between her teeth. She then ran out the door and disappeared.

"Doctor!" (Y/N) shouted, quickly following.

Graham stood still, sighing. He soon decided that it was never a good idea to be travelling alone with the Doctor and (Y/N)... He really wished that Ryan and Yaz were here.

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