Chapter 1 Easier said than done

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Fontaine was annoyed, she really wasn't in the mood to go to some kind of event held by a rich kid, just so they could suck up to the girls Dad. Honestly the choices for her date weren't exactly like she expected them to be, they were all way to shy, or to smug or just plainly unsuited for the job. She had to talk to 7 more guys before she was able to have a break, and she just hoped, that she could find someone who was suitable before than.

A boy walked into the room at the WOA and Introduced himself as Tobias:"Well, I don't have much experience but I think it would be super cool, imagine what my friends would say when they'd find out that I helped imprison somebody, they'd all be bursting with jealousy." Fontaine was angry now:" It's not about being envied by people, it's about doing an important job for the WOA , you should be ashamed of yourself . NEXT! "

Honestly, Fontaine thought, it's as if the only thing these guys care about is the fame that they'll get. " Hello Sweetheart." "Mum! Thank God you're here, it's a catastrophe, they all either are completely obvious and would be recognised in a minute or they only want to do this to make other people jealous, can you imagine that?" Fontaine desperately hoped that her mother had an idea how to find somebody suitable for the event. " They are boys, that's all they care about, do you think you're brother will be different in a few years ? You just have to lower you're expectations." That would be easier said than done thought Fontaine, because she knew that these guys could get cocky easily and than possibly tell people at the event about their mission, or bevorhand so that they wouldn't even be able to get inside.

The next boy walked in, and the second he did, Fontaine knew that he was not going to be able to cope with the mission, he looked totally insecure and was stuttering so she asked him:" why do you want to do this job?" He seemed to be sincere when he stuttered :" I want to be .... be able to,to make the world a better, better place." Poor guy she thought, he clearly would have been a good choice if he wasn't so insecure: " I think that is very honorable but for the ball we need somebody who is vey convincing and you're just to shy, I'm sorry." The boy seemed relieved and she knew that the mission just wasn't for him.

A few hours later Fontaine felt hopeless, none of the guys seemed to be able to cope, there were a few who she thought that could, but they were all horrible at lying and that's what they needed to be able to do, in all honesty, there was a guy that she thought would cope, but the WOA definitely wouldn't allow it and how was she supposed to find him? She decided to grab lunch at a restaurant, taking advantage of the fact that they were on land for a few days. After she placed her order she sat down and thought about her options, there weren't many, she could ask if she was able to go alone, yeah, that didn't seem to be a bad idea.

Then she heard the bell jingle, making her aware of a new customer, that was quite surprising, the restaurant was a bit further away from the main city and in a more shady part of the city, the only reason she went here was because she knew it from childhood memories, so she looked up and was suprised, it was Pirate boy, she hoped that the rest of the pirate crew wasn't going to be here too, but surprisingly he just went to the counter, placed an order and even paid for it. He looked around for a place to sit and Fontaine just hoped that he wouldn't spot her, to late, it was obvious that he did, saw her, because his face lit up and he smirked, than walked over to her table. Just perfect.

"Hello Fontaine" he drew her name out" fancy seeing you here, I wasn't expecting to see you here, not that I mind." He was totally invading her personal space now and smirking like the Cheshire cat. " Hello Finn, well neither did I expect you here, so...em what brings you here?" It always suprised her how they could talk to each other so easily, and than go from normal talk to you're the enemy in seconds.

"Well my dad is showing Maddy a secret pirate trick that he showed me years ago that isn't all that secret after all, so I decided to stay here instead and enjoy a few days of peace. And you, I thought you'd be out there saving, whatever the heck your next project is ?" She wasn't sure what got her ranting but she just started telling him everything.

"Well we have a mission from the WOA and they want me to find a date but all these guys are completely useless, either they just want the fame and glory, or they just star blurting out various facts in the middle of a conversation, or they can't even get two words out, I didn't know that it would be so hard to find somebody who is smart, sportive enough to get out of there in a minute, be confident and be able to lie, that's not that hard is it?"

And the moment that she looked at his face, it was obvious that she said something she was going to regret:" Well my dear Fontaine, isn't it fortunate that you just listed all my competences." Yes she was regretting it already because she knew that he was perfect for the job but it was impossible :" Well there is just one tini tiny problem pirate boy, the fact that you're a pirate! And that you're just about as charming as a rock and don't know how to behave."

So maybe the charming part was a lie thought Fontaine but he really didn't know how to behave. Finn just shrugged:" And? It's not like this would be the first time that I had to pretend to be somebody I'm not, I'm good at it, my dad makes me do it all the time because Maddy really sucks at it so Fontaine, am I your man ? "

He said the last part in such a seductive manner that she burst out laughing:" OK, ok so you can be very convincing, there is still the pirate part, the WOA won't like that and neither will my parents." He looked thoughtful and then said :" If I can convince them, than I'm in right?" "Yes, you would be, but why do you even want to do this, there is no reason for it? "

He smiled, not smirked and said:" I'm bored.And I don't get the opportunity to spent time with you all that often." It was actually kinda sweet but she had to remain neutral so she just answered:" Then let's see how convincing you really are, pirate boy."

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