The End of Mind Blower.

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"Hello, Jaguar-Man wake-up!" I woke up in response as Batman saved my life. I looked as I knew I was in the Batcave again I look up seeing that Mind Blower has made more damage to the city and people are running away I became very impatient seeing this I ran to find Batman." We need to go there's no time to go waste !" I said.

"There's no way you're going out there you almost died twice! You don't have the energy to defeat him... I think that's enough you tried."

 I tried my best to persuade him that I'm fit to defeat Mind Blower but was not convinced I was left in the Batcave...

Meanwhile, the whole of Gotham was under Mind Blower's attack. No one was there to stop him until the Dark Knight ( Batman) came...... Mind Blower's skills and powers were unknown to Batman but he still was ready to save Gotham again. The fight didn't go too well as Batman tried everything but Mind Blower was still able to fight and had an even bigger plan.

"'Do you remember me, Batman, I came to you for help 25 years ago but what did you do... NOTHING... Know is my revenge!"

"Revenge is not the answer I know how you feel Mind Blower..."

Mind Blower was on the edge of killing Batman he was very close but miles away I was ready to attack.

"Hey this fight isn't between you and Batman it's between you and me...You're going to pay for what you did Mind Blower !" Our fight began.

First I came with a bang as I gave the biggest punch as he flew from building to building. " You may be very skillful Jaguar-Man but can you take this !" He sprayed gas on my mask and then kicked me all the way to the Gotham museum! I was on the floor ready to stand and he came in with a big punch to the face... He threw a bomb into the area he threw me in but without his attention, I kicked the bomb stopped it then kicked him behind I thought he'd give up but no... oh no he wasn't finished. I looked around the area of the museum I was in and realized that it was lab 23!

I was seconds away from passing out again I tried to stand up but couldn't as he was standing on my arm. Did he put me in hand cuffs which was really weird " To be honest I don't care who's under that mask but the only thing I want is him DEAD...GOODBYE JAGUAR-MAN !" He got his gun ready to shot me through my heart. As he was seconds away from pulling the trigger, I quoted " I don't think you know the powers of a Jaguar!" In great shock to Mind Blower, I ducked 7 gun shots from his gun done a back flip and attack him. I gave used every power I had all the punches, the kick, the flips, the claws I continued to do this until he gave up ...

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