Change In Lifestyle

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The next day opened with me almost being late to college. I was getting my stuff out of my bag until I felt weird radiation coming from my ears when a loud punch went straight to the locker I was next to. "You know what time it is Nathan punch the geek time!" I immediately ducked as Freddy Franks (college bully and Michael's best friend) aimed for my face. I tried to think why he would want to attach me out of all the nerds and brainy dudes it really didn't make any sense. Every punch he tried to throw failed as I was able to duck all his punches then I pushed him onto the lockers. " what the heck has happened to you? Robinson!" Freddy walked away looking like he was guilty of trying to start another fight. 

Again I was confused. When I arrived home that same evening I did a lot of research on the effects of injection from unknown DNA. One of the answers was that death can occur. I was scared to find out this fact and closed my laptop. I thought for a while what will happen if I don't find answers. To calm myself down, I went outside for some fresh air.

As I was walking through the quiet street in the middle of the night, I came across an alleyway. "Hey, kid! this place is only for gangsters!" About 12 street thugs surrounded me and started cracking their knuckles and we're ready to start a fight. I really didn't do anything to deserve this I  have no idea why they would want to threaten me? The more they came closer the more uncomfortable I felt. While I was in this sticky situation, one of the street thugs pushed me trying to intimidate me then suddenly I ended up throwing him at 3 of the other thugs. This created a tension that I couldn't control so the only thing I could do was to run away..... They chased me. I ran as fast I could be hiding at each corner protecting myself then without notice, I jumped onto a wall and started climbing as if I'm a wall-crawler? This amazed me I jumped off with no pain and continued to run... The weirdest thing that happened and truly shocked me was that I had large claws sticking out of my fingertips as if I were a cat? 

After all of the chaos that happened, I managed to lose those street thugs. I came home in a way in which my mum and Paps wouldn't have thought of.

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