Wedding (G.L.)

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(Y/F/N) - your first name
(Y/L/N) - your last name

Today was the day. You were getting married to the love of your life. To say you were nervous was an understatement. But you had you sister by your side to help you relax, mostly. You and your bridesmaids were doing final touches in the bride's room of the church the ceremony was taking place. You were having a hard time concentrating with your mom crying.

Your hair was in a simple low bun with braids leading into it, your make up was done simply, yet gorgeously. Your dress was beautifully elegant and you were so excited for Gwilym to see it. You heard a knock on the door and ran behind the changing curtain to hide. At the door was the best-man, Joe Mazzello. "A gift for the bride from the groom," he announced. You walk out from behind the curtain when you realize it's Joe. "Wow," is the only thing he can say when he sees you.

You smile and give Joe a hug, he is one of your best friends after all. "This is for you," he hands you a small package. You quickly grab a small book for Gwilym and hand it to Joe. Inside are a bunch of notes and such you wrote for Gwilym, ever since you guys started dating. The last note you wrote last night. "Thank you, (Y/N). I will make sure Gwilym gets this," Joe says as he walks out the room.

As Joe leaves, all you bridesmaids gather around. "Whats in the package?" "Open it up!" you quickly tear the wrapping back to reveal a small photo album with pictures of the two of you, dating back to the day you first met. Attached to the album was a note:

Today we are getting married. For some strange reason you said yes! I just want you to know that you are my best friend and I love you to bits. As I write this, Joe, Ben, and Rami are drunkenly singing Queen songs, saying my single life is ending. Thiis may be true, but a new life with you is about to begin. Know that I am excited and overwhelmed to soon call you my wife. I love you and can't wait to meet you at the altar.
With all my love, Gwilym

At this point you are struggling not to ruin your makeup. Your father walks into the room with a smile. "Are you ready to go Princess?" he says, admiring you. You stand, "as I'll ever be."

You stand with your father as the wedding march begins to play. The double doors open as everyone stands. You begin to walk down the isle smiling. You see Gwilym up ahead facing the altar. He turns around and the two of you make eye contact, you both smile. You notice Gwilym raising his hand to his face, he's crying. Your hearts melts and you begin to tear up, too.

You make it to the altar and you father hands you over, but not without leaving a kiss on your cheek. You and Gwilym stand face to face. The two of you share a smile. "You look beautiful," Gwilym whispers. You smile, "thank you." The pastor begins, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony of (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) and Gwilym Lee." You barely pay attention as you are too distracted looking at Gwilym in pure adoration and love. You two share your vows and rings and are finally wed as the pastor states, "you may now kiss the bride." It was a sweet and loving kiss, filled with warmth and affection for each other.

The two of you walk out to a side room to hide while everyone goes outside. After everyone made it outside, the wedding party took many photos. After they were done, you and Gwilym walked out into the crowd as your friends and family blew bubbles at the two of you. You stepped into a limo with the rest of the wedding party to head to the location of the reception. You and Gwilym sat very close together, not saying much, but instead holding hands and fiddling with your new wedding bands.

When the limo arrived at the reception, all the guests had arrived. They called the party in; first the bridesmaids and groomsmen, then the maid-of-honor and best-man, then the parents of the groom, and parents the bride. Then the DJ announced, "Now ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gwilym Lee!" Everyone cheered as the two of you entered and went to your seats.

Dinner was served and everyone ate to their hearts content. You and Gwilym chatted and shared "I love you"s throughout dinner. Suddenly, people began to click their forks against their glasses. You blushed as you had forgotten about this tradition. You turned to Gwilym and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

After dinner was finished it was time for the first dance. You and Gwilym danced to "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. You danced and danced as if no one else was even there. After the music ended the two of you shared a kiss. The party continued as normal, with drinking and dancing. At the end of the night, all the guests sent you and Gwilym off by making a tunnel and holding sparklers as the two of you walked out. The two of you left and prepared for a new chapter in your lives... together.

Wow this was long. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was sending Christmas Break with my family. Sorry this probably wasn't very good and probably has a lot of grammatical errors. If you have any ideas you want to see please send them my way! Hope you all enjoyed!

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