Coming Home (R.M.)

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(Y/s/n)- your son's name

You're currently at your parent's house, visiting for the weekend. Your son, (Y/s/n), is running around, playing with your parent's dog. "How're you doing honey?" your mom asks, walking into the kitchen. You sigh, "hanging on." Your husband, Rami, is serving in Iraq at the moment and won't be home for a few more weeks. "It's just, *sigh* I miss him so much. He's been gone so long, I just wish he was here for more stuff," you explain to your mom. "I just love him so much."

Your mom hugs you, "(Y/n), knowing Rami, he probably misses you too and wants to be home too." She begins rubbing your arms. "Come on honey, help me set the table," she walks towards the cabinet and grabs some plates. You walk toward the drawer with the silverware, when your phone starts ringing. You grab it and answer, "hello?" "Hi sweetheart," it's Rami. You smile, "Rami! How are you sweetie?" "I'm doing fine, found a break in time to call," you can tell he's smiling. "That's great! I missed hearing your voice," you say with a smile on your face. "I missed hearing your voice, too," Rami replies.

"How's (Y/s/n)?" he asks. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" you pull the phone away from your face to call (Y/s/n) into the room. He comes running in, "yes mommy?" You squat down to his height, "there's someone on the phone for you." You put the phone on speaker mode, and turn the microphone toward your son, "hewo?" he said with his toddler voice. "Hey buddy!" Rami yells through the phone. (Y/s/n) gasps, "DADDY!" You chuckle at their interaction. "You helping Mommy around the house?" Rami asks. "Yes," he says smiling, his almost identical to Rami's. "Good, keep up the good work sport and take care of Mommy for me," Rami replies. 

"Okay (Y/s/n), why don't you go back and play with the dog some more," you say shooing your son. "Okay mommy," he giggles, "bye Daddy! I wove you!" he says as he runs off. "Bye kiddo," Rami says. You take the phone off speaker and hold it back up to your ear again. "So, any chances of you coming home earlier?" you ask hopefully. Rami sighs, "I don't think so, but know I'm coming home as soon as I can." You sigh into the phone. "Hey," Rami says, "I love you, baby. To the moon..." "...and back," you reply. "I'll talk to you soon, hun," Rami says. You nod, "Okay, I love you. Bye." "Bye."

Your mom walks back into the room, "just in the knick of time! It's time for dinner." You take (Y/s/n) to wash his hands and them sit with him at the table. Next to you is an empty chair, but it has a place setting. This is odd, but you don't think too much into it. You, your son, and your parents sit at the table, "Let's pray," your father says. You all join hands and close your eyes as your dad begins, "Lord we thank you for this wonderful meal before us. We thank you for the many blessings in our lives and for the people we experience life with," he pauses, "even the ones not with us, but instead protecting our country." "Daddy," your son says. You squeeze his hand a shush him. Your dad chuckles, "we thank you for everything. Through all the angels and saints we pray. Amen." "Amen," your mom says. You respond, "Amen." "Amen," responds an unexpected voice.

Your head snaps up as you turn to see the man in uniform standing in the doorway. "Oh my gosh," you start to tear. You stand and run to Rami, jumping in his arms. He catches you and starts stroking your hair, "hey sweetheart," he whispers into your ear as you cry. He sets you back down and your son comes barreling over, "DADDY!" Rami squats down and picks (Y/s/n) up as they collide. "But how?" you ask after a moment. Rami laughs, "I may or may not have said I was scheduled to come home later than what I actually was." You punch his shoulder, "you punk!" 

Your mom stands and hugs Rami. You turn to her, "Did you know?" She laughs, "Well of course. I had to leave the door unlocked so he could come in." You roll your eyes. Your dad stands and shakes Rami's hand. "Well," he starts, "I don't know about you, but I am hungry. How about we eat." Rami laughs, "Oh, I've been waiting to have home cooked food for months." You all laugh and take your seats and have dinner. You were so happy to have Rami home.

I'm sorry this is kinda cringe-worthy. I was watching "soldiers returning home" videos and I was like. Hey why not. Thanks for showing an interest and leave any ideas in the comments please!

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